The Last 13

I was able to run alone Sunday. Well for a little bit anyway, and the time that I was alone was spent thinking about being murdered. This paranoia is not helping at all. My running was going just fine until Mike "got to thinking". Ugh, let's go back to normal please.
After some discussion and a little debating I was able to persuade Mike into letting me run my last 13 miles alone. Really it didn't take much more than me telling him it was still light outside and the kids needed one of us at home. Obviously by one of us I didn't mean me.  
Plus Mike already rode 13 miles with me earlier in the day and our "quality time" meter was up for the day. Jk he's pretty cool to hang around with. I tried to get Bryan to run with me but he was just too busy. It definitely helps to have someone beside me for conversation and support, but I do not need a bodyguard. 
Just me, myself, and I out on the road. Ahh so peaceful and lovely.
No one but me out here.
Oh wait- look who's coming to meet me. My knight in shining armor with his trusty stead. Or just Mike on a bicycle listening to Van Morrison...whatever...still romantic.

Is he wearing jeans?
Before I left for my run I told Mike he could come and meet me if he wanted to. So at the turn around I called to check in and just a few miles later he appeared. Yep that's right, he just out of nowhere. He apparently thought I was running really fast because he was surprised by how far he had to bike to reach me. Now let's think about this. I called him when I had 6.5 miles (on sore feet mind you) left to run after I'd already ran 19.5 miles. How fast did he think I'd be going?

At that point I was feeling pretty worn out and wanted to hop on the bike so I could rest. That's just not how I roll.

Riding/running off into the sunset
I'm not sure if breaking up a long run is the best way to train but some people prefer this method. In my opinion it was a little easier than running the whole 26 at one time but I hated going back out. All day it just loomed over my head and I felt like I needed to rest my legs to prepare. I actually watched some TV (haven't done that in months) and tried to relax, but I didn't like it and I felt lazy. I'd rather just get it over with and be able to enjoy my full post run pig out.
I will be breaking up my 28 mile run in a few weeks because my schedule won't be open for the length of time I would need to run the whole thing. I also have a Martial Arts clinic that weekend and I need to be semi-alert or I'm going to get beat with an oar. Pretty sure I'll get beat with an oar anyway, but maybe after a 28 miler I'll be begging for someone to put me out of my misery. Sounds like a weekend of fun huh?
