StrideBox Giveaway

My August StrideBox came in 2's again last month. Apparently something happened in June with my subscription and although I thought I had fixed the problem I received 2 boxes two months in a row. 

Apparently when I tried fixing my payment information online I subscribed again. Well what am I going to do with 2 boxes a month? In July I gave my extra box to my running friend Brock, who thought it was pretty cool. Then I received 2 in August so I gave one out as a door prize at our first Run For God meeting. 
I decided to send an email to StrideBox explaining the situation and that I only wanted 1 box a month. A reply came back a few days later stating they had resolved the situation and I would only be receiving 1 box each month.
Funny because when I checked my email last week I had two messages from StrideBox with the same subject line, "StrideBox has sent you a package". Yep, two different tracking numbers for 2 boxes. I'm not too worried about it but I really don't need 2 of the exact same samples every month.
So this month I will give 1 of the boxes away to a lucky reader. A gift from me to you! If you are not a local I will pay to ship it to you.
All you have to do is comment on this post and also post on my Facebook page. Not a fan of my page? Click here and "Like" The Road Behind Me. Now what to post? Something motivational and/or inspirational in regards to running, because we all like positivity. I will take the names of all who leave 2 comments and enter them into a computer generated drawing. Good Luck!


  1. This is what I love about the running community! Everyone really only wants the best for each other and are there ready to help,no matter what another runner, beginner to multi-marathoner needs!

  2. I would love to be considered for the Stride Box! Thanks!!

  3. I do not want a box, since I already got one. But I think it is awesome that you are being so generous! And whoever gets this is gonna love that Kind bar!!

  4. Awesome - have been wanting to try the stride box.

    1. Make sure you also comment on Facebook so I can enter you in the drawing tonight.

  5. I've been wanting to compare to the other box I get!

  6. "The Miracle isn't that I finished, The Miracle is that I had the courage to start." John Bingham.

    I included that quote because looking back on all the runs that that I've done, with you, NARC, or on my own... the thing they all have in common is there is trepidation at the start. I KNOW I am a runner, but I don't ever feel like one before a race, or even a training run. So every time the gun goes off, someone yells START! other people start running, or I have to actually speed up to a run there's always that hesitation for me, and the knowledge that until my feet actually start moving, I do not feel like a runner.

    I'm glad that miracle happens so very often for me, because it brings a smile to my face most times.

  7. Brock you are a runner now and always will be. It's amazing how running changes your life and I'm glad that you decided to take that first step. Most of the time running is very selfish but then there are those moments when we see another runner and we somehow feel connected. We're all running brothers and sisters, lol.

  8. I liked you on facebook too :) desilove

    1. In sticking to the contest rules please comment on Facebook so I can enter your name in the drawing. Sorry I just want to be fair to the others.


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