Fact: Events Cost Money

How can a runner fit so many races into just one year? Better question, how can a runner afford all of them? Well of course each runner has to pick and choose wisely as distance, available dates, and household budgets play a key role. If you're single with no cares in the world then I say run em all. Who cares if they're all on the same day or cost $120 a pop- you can do et! However, for families similar to mine (like the Duggars) budgets can get pretty tight. For example, I just signed two of my kids up for summer rec., swimming lessons, art classes, and basketball camp. Plus a few weeks ago I signed the same two kids up for JO Volleyball. So I've forked up approximately $360 just to keep two of my kids entertained for 2 months this summer. Worth it? Heck yeah, they have nothing else to do since I switched to basic cable until September. Looking at the big picture this fee is minimal compared to what I could have spent had my two older girls not found babysitting jobs for the summer. Perfect! Now they're all busy so I can focus on my schedule of awesome events.

I already registered for Warrior Dash a few months ago so I know I'm committed for that one. I'd also like to register Mike now that he can run almost 4 miles- yay! So that's another fee, fuel, hotel, food, and did I forget to mention the kids are coming along for this one? Then there's the 81 on 81 in July. We have a team of 6 ready to go with t-shirt designs and vehicle decor in the works. In August there's the Fishhook Challenge in Park Rapids which is a fairly reasonable price so I'm not sweating that one. My last big event is the Twin Cities Marathon! I didn't plan on signing up for an official marathon this year but this kind of presented itself in a beautiful way. Mike and I were invited by our kind and generous friends to share transportation and hotel expense- I just couldn't say no to that.

So how do other runners budget for these races/events? I know you're out there reading this and dying to answer my question. How do I know you're there? You tell me through Facebook, at church, passing me on the street, and at work. You might not all be runners but I know you all have budgets and that includes saving for your other hobbies too. So please share your advise.

This year I made a commitment to myself. For every mile that I run I put $0.50 into my running "piggy" bank. This money is to be untouched until next year when I can use said money to register for races, buy running apparel, travel to another state to run, or just do whatever I want with. So I might not be able to register for all the races I want to this year and that's ok. So until then I'm going to Just Run!


  1. Putting the .50 for every mile you run should motivate you even more. Just think of all the $ you will have next year for your special events. We are so proud of you and how you balance your family and yourself.


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