Hello 2015

Geez, it was kind of hard to get logged back in to my blog. Yes, it's been a while since I have written anything but with my plantar fasciitis (pf) there hasn't been much to write. More complaining than anything and no one wants to hear that.

There have been a lot of exciting adventures for me to talk about and lots of changes in the last few months. So, let me briefly touch on what I've been doing in my "spare" time. 

I purchased a 6 month pass from a local swimming pool so I could do some water running. Yes, there is such a thing. You basically wear a flotation device around your waist to keep your feet off the bottom of the pool and you run. Well you try to run from one side of the pool to the other...slowly...looking ridiculous. All the 50+ ladies were more than curious and knew from experience exactly what pf was. They are wonderfully sweet ladies who are 100% confident in themselves. So much so that they walk around the locker room nude while carrying on a conversation with you. Where the heck are you suppose to look? I swear the one lady has nicer boobs than me and she's twice my age. Hey I couldn't help but look when she was talking to me and I assumed she was dressed. Very nice lady.

My crafting hobby headed in a new direction as I was offered a space to rent for my tutus at a local store named Tattered.

I'm not rolling in the cash but it's a good way to get a little more exposure for my little 5Pinkfairies business. Plus I've expanded my crafting ideas/abilities a bit more. I love to learn!

I've also been given some awesome opportunities to take photos for various occasions such as MCC's production of Beauty and the Beast, our church directory photos, my good friends family Christmas cards, my own families pictures, and recently a photo shoot that included a 3 week old baby. I love photography but it is stressful when it has to be organized. That's why I will never do it professionally. I usually won't say no when asked but I definitely draw the line at paid for professional quality photographs. I want to do my own thing and have fun with it. That's what makes a good photo. Get me nervous, on a schedule, or expect high quality and I guarantee I will screw those photos up. 

Oh we also have a beautiful little girl who we are sponsoring through Compassion. Her name is Rachidata and she lives in Burkina Faso which is located in Africa. She is the same age as one of my daughters and we're so excited to get to know her. She sent us her first letter but we were saddened with the news of her father passing away. She asked that we pray for her mother, brother, and herself. We continue to pray for Rachidata and hope that by sponsoring her we can give her hope and help in her future goals.

Now I must touch on the running part. Although I haven't run more than 4 miles since October I still have lots of races planned for 2015. All which include possibly becoming an official "Marathon Maniac". That means finishing 3 full marathons within 90 days. BAM! Well there is still that pesky little pf to worry about but I'm staying positive. I did just complete 5.5 miles Friday and 6 Sunday with not much pain in my heel.

My wonderful husband bought me a GoPro camera for Christmas so I plan on using that a lot on my runs and blogging a bit with it as well. There's a strong possibility I will be visiting 3 different states this July so there will be tons of adventures to record. And there may be a skydive happening in my near future but there are a lot of things that need to fall into place first.

I more recently was introduced to Laura Parson who will begin her attempt to break the female record for crossing the United States on foot June 1. She will need to run 3,030 miles in less than 68 days to break the record. Her run will begin in San Francisco and finish in New York City. Along with attempting to break the female record for a Transamerica run, Laura is also running to raise awareness and funds for RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network). It’s a cause that she is very passionate about so by running she is hoping to talk about organization as much as she can. As you can imagine there are quite a few items Laura will need for this venture to be successful, and without the help from donors and sponsors her journey will be much more difficult. I volunteered to help Laura find sponsors and donors to make her awesome adventure a little easier. If you want to help please check out her blog site here. Right now transportation is the most important resource for her. It would be ideal to have a camper for this long journey along with a few drivers taking shifts. I wish I could get enough time off of work to go with her but it's just not possible. I will definitely be following her progress all summer so stay tuned for more on the 2015 Run Across America.
Got her in The Watch
