My Thank You Letter

Oh hello there stranger! How have you been? Me? Well I've been pretty busy and feel guilty
for neglecting you. But I’m here now and I’d like to make it up to you.

While I was getting ready for work the other day I started thinking about a thank you letter that is long overdue. You may wonder why I’d share such a personal thing with y'all but by now we're all family, right?

Yep just like family.

Dearest Love,
I've been trying to come up with words to express just how thankful I am to you but sometimes words just can’t be spoken. You know every part of me and you've helped me through some of the hardest times in my life. I really do believe that you and God have saved me many times. It’s crazy because I never thought I would love you this much. I wanted nothing to do with you when we were first introduced. Remember that? I forced myself to hang out with you because I heard you were so awesome. The more we hung out the more I learned about you and more importantly about myself. Yes you are awesome, and so am I. 

However, you haven’t always been so nice to me. You've made me cry, bleed, ache, yell, cry some more, doubt myself, and feel downright awful about myself. You've kept my friends away, controlled what I've ate and drank, made me wake up early in the morning or stay up late at night just so we could hang out, taken my money, made me dress in some crazy outfits, and have made people I don’t even know laugh at me. I forgive you for all of that. I will continue to forgive you until we are no longer able to be together.

Yes, we've had our differences and there are times that I've hated you. I know that seems a bit harsh, but through the hate is an uncontrollable love. A love so deep that most people can’t even begin to understand it. Others are quick to judge and they even say they hate you, but they don’t know you like I do. You've taught me about strength, perseverance, triumph, and self-discipline. You've brought me closer to God, pushed me farther than I ever thought possible, introduced me to other awesome people, brought me to different places, and widened my eyes to the beauty of nature. I've had some amazing opportunities, experiences, stories, and memories. It’s all because of you! I’m glad I stuck with you and didn't give up. Because without you I
wouldn't be the person I am today and that is the most amazing gift I have ever been given. Even crazier is that I gave it to myself.

So thank you for everything Running! The good, the bad, the ugly, the beauty, the joy, the pain, and everything in between- thank you. I dread hanging out with you sometimes but after I get done with you I always feel so much better (at least mentally). I love you Running! *sniff*

Your Friend Forever,

Photo courtesy of


  1. So glad you found the passion and love of your life! Running is a gift that keeps on giving. Keep that passion going. It's good for you. <3

  2. That Meme is so fitting, and I feel roughly the same way way when it comes to running.


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