The Noggin

I've mentioned my latest skiing adventure a few times on previous blog posts and on my Facebook page. I'm not sure why I fell so many times since I've never had that much of a problem before. I did mention to hubby  beforehand that I probably should have bought a helmet but of course I didn't. So wouldn't you know the very first time I fell I hit the back of my head on the ground. Having martial arts in my background I have always told myself when falling always tuck your head into your chest. Well except when it actually happens. I just go down so fast, or seem to, and there is no time for rational thought. It's basically, "Oh F....u....d....g....e!" and then BAM I'm grabbing the back of my head. Unfortunately this happened a few times. In addition to that each time I fell my skis never released (when they should have) and I twisted my left knee. I haven't had a problem running on it but it still hurts 2 weeks later.

Did I mention I'm a bit scared of heights?

This winter has been awful for cold temps and quite a bit of snow. When said snow gets packed down in -20 degrees it makes for some pretty slippery surfaces. You know where I'm going with this. I had a meeting  this week and when I got out of my van to go inside I noticed it was pretty icy (I slipped). In the future I will make a better mental note of that. So, when the meeting was over I hurried off to make another meeting. According to any slapstick comedy this is a bad combination. My feet came right off the ground and I went down hard. I think I hit in this order: left butt cheek, upper back, head, hands, and then feet (not sure about the right butt cheek). I laid on the ground for about 5 seconds to assess the situation and then realized I could possibly get run over by the car next to me. I seriously didn't want to get up. All these cold nights have been amazing for star gazing. I decided I couldn't lay there forever so I got up and went to my next meeting.

When I finally confessed to my "friends" what happened one snickered and said, "Oh my God you could die!" and another said, "I laugh in stressful situations. Sorry, if I saw you I would have laughed." As I sat rubbing my head I wondered why I hung out with these people.

Yeah that's how my friends roll.

So that brings us to this past Saturday. Yep one more noggin story. It was miserably cold outside. The high was somewhere around -22 and then with wind chill it was maybe -40. I mean seriously my exposed skin hurt when I was out there. I've really never felt anything like that before today. After all the basketball games were done we decided to do our weekly grocery shopping. All I wanted to do was just sit in my recliner in front of the fireplace and do nothing. We had two different vehicles so I beat hubby home and thought about leaving the unloading of groceries for him but I didn't.

Side note: Do you know that reusable bags take way less time to unload compared to plastic? They fit more items which means less trips between the house and vehicle. Plus they're good for the environment. True story.

As I was trying to hurry, so I could get out of the cold, I made my way to the back of the van. The lift gate was open but apparently not all the way. BAM! I smacked my head right on the corner of that stupid thing. I'm not going to lie there were some obscene words mumbled. The trooper that I am still unload everything but then I was done. I dumped everything on the floor and sat in my recliner.

If I were to suffer any kind of brain damage I would like to request time distortion. I won't need an excuse for being late and I'd love to be able to run and not worry about how slow the time seems to pass. There actually is an ultra runner who suffered with epilepsy and after a lobectomy has the ability to run hundreds of miles at a time. It's a very interesting story.

"A former professional tennis player, she took up running to help stave off epileptic seizures, for which in 1997 she had a lobectomy. This surgery disrupted her ability to judge the passing of time, something which has helped her ultra-running." ~Wikipedia

Although Diane's story is very serious and not something that would be a wish for anyone I like to think of my request as a super power. Just to be able to run all day and end up in another state wondering what time it is would be pretty cool. Well I suppose pain, cramps, blisters, and chaffing might slow me down. I better rethink the whole thing.

These ladies got nothing on me
