Ready or Not

I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for Grandma's Marathon on Saturday as my nerves are starting to poke an ugly little head out of my stomach. I need to remain calm and stay focused on my ultimate goal. Easier said than done. So here's what I'm going to do.
1. Continue to thank God for this gift He has given me.
2. Keep hydrating (I've peed at least 15 times today).
3. Remind myself that "I am awesome!"
4. Inhale the positive and exhale the negative.
5. Remind myself that if I do not make this goal I have many more waiting for me.
6. Thank everyone who has supported me along the way (there's a lot).
7. Use the highs, don't worry about the lows, and just keep going.
8. Pack more than I need so I feel totally prepared.
9. Live in the moment.
10. Kick ass!
It's been raining off and on here all day and the humidity has steadily gone up. As of right now race day weather looks like this:
      High: 55 degrees
Scattered T-Storms
Chance of rain: 40%
Wind: ENE at 14 mph
Humidity: 99%
Not quite what I was hoping for but I should be able to adjust. Most of the Fargo races I've participated in have involved some amount of rain but never for the whole distance. Crossing my fingers and sending a little prayer. If He brings me to it He will get me through it.
I need some motivation, some inspiration, some reassurance, but most of all I need believers.
Thank you to everyone who has run with me and/or supported me throughout this training.
My husband, Mike, and my girlies most of all for letting me have "me" time and being an awesome support system. I love you!
Bryan- Thank you for making me get up early every morning to run. And for being my other therapist.
Tracy- Thank you for joining me for some fun runs and races.
Dave- Thank you for always being there when I need a friend. You will be 100% again. BFFE
Nico- Thank you for running with me, listening to me, giving me advice, and being a good friend to our family.
Kent and Lori- Thank you for letting me run with you, all of your knowledge and advice, and for having the coolest flashy shoes.
Brock- Thank you for motivating me to improve and eat healthier. This is just the beginning.
Sheri- My awesome sister who always tells me I can. Can't wait for Nashville!
Jana and Patti- Thank you for being awesome friends and supporting me even when you say "Running Sucks!" We will run together some day ;)
Leopold- Thank you for the motivation, cool equipment, and belief in me.
Aunty M- Thank you for all your love, support, and blog comments. Love you!
My blog readers- Thank you for hanging with me and supporting in your homes.
There are so many others that give me support every day. Not just by talking to me and pretending to be interested, but just by being you. You may not even know I think you're amazing, so here's your shout out.
Thank you- Kolby, Mary W., Gemma, Tammy M., Barb, Tyler, Dewey, Judy, Sarah W., Heather, Arin, Linda H., Mary Jane, Kim, all of the Bennett's, Terri, Tammy H., Women's Running Community, Women With Worth, Run Like a Mother, Run For God, Godvine, and so many others. Keep being awesome!
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!


  1. Good luck on the race. I know you can do it. Just try to stay calm and you will be fine. See you at the Nashville Run! Love U always.


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