Kick Doubt Out

Now that June has arrived the countdown has begun for Grandma's Marathon.
20 Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was starting to get a little worried last week when the temperature and humidity started to go up. Wednesday's 40 minute tempo run turned into a 30 minute sweat fest. Tempo runs typically begin with a slow pace, then speed up to a challenging but manageable pace, and end with a slow cool down. So a 40 tempo should be broken down like this; 10 minutes slow- 20 minutes fast- 10 minutes slow. They shouldn't start fast and end slow like mine did. Things were chaffing and stinging, cottonwood fuzz was flying all through the air, bugs were invading my privacy, and I was quickly overheating. So that's why I worry about the temperature 20 days from now. 
Unfortunately as fast as the temperature started to go up it also went back down. It's been raining a lot and it seems like it's ALWAYS windy. You know it has to be bad when I'm forced to run on the "dreadmill". Oh how I despise it.
This morning when I got up to run my last 20 miler I prepared for wind gusts of up to 15 mph and rain. I was doubting my ability and worrying about my shin splint, lower back pain, eating enough, drinking enough, using the bathroom, etc. I worried for no reason. The run went really well and we never stopped for any reason. The temperature was actually decent so I'd be stoked if Grandma's was anything like it was this morning. Cool and comfortable- the rain held off and the wind was at our backs. Lesson of the day: Never doubt your own abilities.
I feel much more confident now. I've had to miss some miles because we've been so busy but after today I was reassured that I can cover the distance. So don't fret if you miss a few runs or workouts because odds are your body has already become accustomed to it. Sometimes a few days off can be a nice little perk.
For more advise from another women runners check out Women's Running Community's awesome page on Facebook. They frequently post readers questions (they even posted one of mine) so you get a variety responses from other runners from all over the world. I love reading them because it covers so many different topics like:
Wearing makeup during a run
Shoe choices
Feminine Issues
Weight loss....and
Wardrobe advice
And if you need some motivation they can help you with that as well. I suggest buying your own motivational prints to place them strategically around your house.
 Zulily print. Framing courtesy of Tattered.

Heck yeah!
