The Week That Got Away

You'll have to forgive any grammar issues on this post because I'm using my cell phone. Thumb blogging isn't easy.

I'm laying on a hospital cot next to my sleeping 15 year old who had surgery today. Back in January we found out that she had a bronchial cleft cyst. So today she went through 4 hours of surgery to have it removed. It was a long process but the ENT got all of the cyst out without any complications. Hallelujah!

I worked one day this week, ran one day, and did Jillian (you guessed it) one day. This was suppose to be a big week for running but my 43 mile week has turned into a 6 mile week so far. The Fargo Marathon is only 2 days away and that half isn't looking so promising. I'm not concerned with time because this one was more for fun but my concern is Grandma's Marathon. I need that 43 miles on my legs so I'm able to hit my goal. Sometimes life has a way of putting things into perspective at unexpected times. Although I'm a bit bummed about my progress my mothering always comes first.

Our youngest graduated Pre-school this week. Since I was a chaperon for the 5th grade field trip to Itasca State Park hubby had the privilege of getting her ready. When I got home and saw her I almost cried. She looked so grown up and beautiful. I swear I was only gone for a day.

The boxes behind her taking up lots of space are the laundry room cabinets that were dropped off Monday. Thank you to Nico and my hubby for hanging them last night- you're awesome. It's funny how little things like that can make an adult so happy.

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If I can get some miles in, run the half marathon, and make it back for all the high school graduation parties I'll feel almost successful. So with that I'll leave you with this:
"If God brings you to it He will bring you through it."
