Running is Like Giving Birth

I finally finished up with my Firefighter training and testing this weekend. I guess it's safe to say that I'm officially Firefighter I certified (big smiles). I have to wait for my Firefighter II test score, which could take 6 weeks, so until then I'll try not to stress over it. I'm just so relieved that the testing is finally complete. After 4 months of classes every other weekend all weekend long it'll be nice to have some family weekend time back.
I was trying to cram lots of studying and reviewing in Friday and Saturday but I still had to squeeze a 20 miler in also. It was no easy feat to complete all of this with hubby gone for the weekend and a 4 year old being...well a 4 year old. I'm happy to report that I successfully made it through the weekend intact. *Bow*
The run was pretty interesting and of course there were moments of pure entertainment. So here's a little summary of our 3:26:53 run.
Mile 6- Bathroom Break
Mile 9- Stretch and Energy Bar Break
Mile 11ish- We met a lab who decided we were way more fun than his owner. Sorry about your wet dog sir but we tried to bring him back. We assumed in his little doggy head he was saying, "I'm freeeeeee!!!!!!!" and "They want to play with me." and "Let's play hide and seek." as he ran through a narrow culvert. Bryan said he's never seen a dog do that before. It was pretty funny.
Mile 12.5- Bathroom Break; I had to run down the railroad tracks to find a more hidden spot. I realized after the fact that I couldn't get back over to the highway because there was too much water in the ditch. So I had no choice but to run down the tracks to the next road. These tracks were absolutely horrible to run on.

Bryan did inform me before I parted that the train only travels at 10 mph on these tracks. Now I know why. There are mounds of rocks, broken and rotted railroad ties, and holes that really slowed me down. I had to look down the entire time so I wouldn't trip or twist my ankle. Bryan said it would have been a cool picture of me but it sure didn't feel very cool.

Back on solid ground
After running the tracks I noticed my tailbone felt really sore. Then the muscles in my tush really started to feel tight. I've never felt anything like that during a run before. So then it dawned on me that I really needed to start doing some squats and lunges to tighten up that junk in my trunk.
Laugh it up. I started Jillian Michael's Body Revolution yesterday.
Mile 17- One last bathroom break; time for music. Oh and there was definitely something scratching around in the woods behind me so maybe the Shewee would have come in handy here.
Oh where do I begin
Mile 18- I did my best to give a certain someone a pep talk. It must have helped at least a tiny bit because...
Mile 20- We made it!
These long runs never seem to get easier but somehow we always make it through. It's kind of like childbirth. After a certain amount of time the pain you endured seems to fade in your memory while the anticipation gets you ready for the next one. Sometimes you scream, cry, pee and/or poop when you don't want to; you feel pain, dehydration, sweaty, exhausted, hot, cold, angry, frustrated, overcome with emotions, but always happy with the end result. Yep, just like childbirth.
