I Love Zulily

I meant to post this yesterday but with a sick kid and studying for my Firefighter test this weekend I didn't have time. Even more shocking is that I didn't even get my pace run in. There is never a dull moment around here but sometimes I wish there were. That way I could do more research and find cool things to share with all of you.
I haven't checked Zulily in quite a few weeks but with a couple birthdays approaching I decided to browse a bit yesterday (I found a few free minutes). I scoped out two deals to share with all of my active/athletic readers.
The New Balance event has some cute activewear for the ladies with a variety of workout pants and tops. For the men, women, and children check out the Nathan Hydration event. Hydration is an important element of staying active so if you need a new water bottle, hydration belt, or hydration vest look no farther. The vest that I own is actually available here for a very reasonable price.
Speaking of buying things...how often does someone say they bought something but they have no idea what they bought? No I'm not talking about a box of randomness at an auction. Apparently you really can buy something online but you won't know what it is until it arrives in the mail. So I bought something yesterday. I don't know what, but I know it's something. Sound crazy? An employee came in to the office yesterday and piqued my interest by telling me about the Something Store. I believe it was featured on Tosh.0- yep now we know it's stupid. It cost just $10 and there's no tax or shipping cost. I like to try new things- remember my philosophy is "I'll try anything once." This might be a brainless endeavor, but who knows I just might get something cool. The Something Store says the items value will be at least $10 but something could be anything. It's kind of like StrideBox but not as cool or rational.
Another really cool item that I recently purchased was Jillian Michael's Body Revolution.
Super pumped about it
90 days, 15 DVDs, 3 levels, 6 days a week, 30 minutes a day, a journal, a meal plan, a fitness plan, resistance band, determination, stamina, and lots of sweat. That's all I need. I may have to adjust the meal plan a bit to accommodate my daily miles but I haven't dissected the plan yet. Once I make it through the weekend I'll be ready to get started. Oh and Sheri- I love you...r pants!
