I'll Drink to That

I love getting my running magazines in the mail. It gives me a little extra motivation along with some good tips and ideas. I found my next hydration pack in this month's issue of Women's Running. The one I have right now works just fine but I think if I had a gender specific pack instead of a unisex one it would fit a little better.
I've never tried a hydration belt but I just can't stand the thought of having extra weight or rubbing on my hips. The pack is just so light and comfortable. Now if only it would warm up so I don't have to worry about the hose freezing.
I love the thought of being able to use my pack on every run again. I felt like I could have used it the other day while I was doing a pace run. As my speed increases, I sweat more, and breathe heavier which makes my mouth dry out fairly quickly. Even my gum feels dry.
Hydration is important! If you don't hydrate properly you end up like this....
Bryan wasn't feeling so good
...halfway through your run. Then your running partner starts taking pictures of the beautiful scenery while he/she sits beside you and waits patiently.
Where's the color in those photos? Winter stole them and won't give them back. Sure wish there were some mountains in the background, or a hill, or a lake, or anything. We did see lots of deer but that was about it. Oh and some guys that stopped to tell us it was a nice morning.
I failed to mention that the other morning we had someone turn around and pull up beside us thinking maybe our car had broke down. Very nice but who puts on running gear and reflective material when their car breaks down? Better question is who runs when their car breaks down? So we've been called aliens twice and now stranded motorists.
Back to hydration. I've been dehydrated a few times so I know the feeling all too well. Last Saturday we set out water bottles in two different spots along our route but you can't hydrate enough to keep going when you're already dehydrated.
That's why it's important to recognize the signs and know when your body has had enough. No runner wants to end up short on mileage but it's better to have that happen during a training run and learn from your mistakes rather than during a race.
My first experience was during a race and it was horrible. I felt so awful and walked most of the half marathon because I didn't want to quit. Even seeing my family near the finish couldn't give me the tiniest burst of energy. I was on empty.
I've been through it a few times but so far not during another race. I try to be as prepared as possible by hydrating well all the time but especially the two days prior to a race.
So Bryan and I have been hydrating for our 17 mile run tomorrow and we plan on wearing our hydration packs. Now we just need the weather to cooperate and everything else should fall into place. April snow and ice is nothing to be excited about.
