A Mother Can Dream

I have 5 daughters and no sons; their ages are 17, 15, 13, 10, and 4. This past Saturday was our first prom experience but definitely not our last by any means. I can't even imagine all the weddings. Just for this prom we had to pay for:
1. The Dress
2. Jewelry
3. Nails
4. Spray tan
5. Hair
6. Prom Admission
7. Pre-Prom supper
Plus, junior parents were in charge of the after-prom party (that's us). The things we do for our kids.
Our 2 oldest girls before Prom
Planning, buying, and decorating all for this one night.
I ran 18 miles Saturday morning before all the chaos began and luckily I made it until 5 a.m. Sunday without feeling too bad. My feet were really sore while running so I wore some fashionable slippers to after-prom with hope for some relief. It took me a few days but I'm feeling rested and ready for my 20 miler this weekend.
Yesterday was a tempo day but I decided to change it up a bit. I geared up and got my 15 year old to get out with me. She needs to start training for Run or Dye in June so I gave her a little nudge and off we went.
Caitlin and I
We did a combination run/walk but she ran at a good pace and didn't complain one bit. She barely spoke actually and I had to remind her not to hyperventilate. She just giggled. It was very different running with her compared to my 17 year old. Caitlin's pretty quiet and has a great sense of humor but Claudia just tells it like it is.
If I said, "You're doing great!"
Claudia would say, "Whatever!" and scowl.
Caitlin would just giggle and smile. Yes, I learned this from first hand experience.
So as we were running along I imagined all the miles Caitlin and I could run together. All the bonding we could do and funny jokes we could tell (once she gets the breathing part down). Running races with her by my side and sharing our bathroom stories. I tried to share with her but she had nothing to contribute on that subject.
Anywho, she made it 3 miles and didn't think it was too bad.
This photo might suggest otherwise
What a trooper! My dreams might be a little pre-mature or even far fetched but I will hold out hope that at least one of my girls will be running a marathon beside me one day. Maybe even with Mike, bahahahahaha. Oh I think I peed a little on that one.


  1. Way to go Caitlyn! Oh, and Lori too :)

  2. I'm already working on my youngest daughter - who is 6. My older daughters are grown and I've lost my chance to train them :) Anyway, there is a fine line between encouraging and keeping running fun, and pushing and making them hate it. I am trying to be cool and disguise my encouragement as "OK, I'll let you run with me if you really want." But sometimes, like this past Sunday, I forget and turn into coach Mom: "Don't quit now! You haven't even run a mile. We'll walk when Mommy's Garmin says 1 mile" - all while she is whining and holding her side.
    But, I do share that same dream!

    1. I really would like my 4 year old to run more but yes there is a fine line. She has run two 1 mile races and did very well. I never push her but encourage her to keep going. She really likes it and even said she can't wait for summer so we can run. The other girls never want to run with me so I have hope for her too.

  3. That is an awesome post run picture!

    1. It is an awesome photo but she doesn't really think so.


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