You Got Sham-Rocked

I really wanted to run a St. Patrick's Day race this past weekend but unfortunately I wasn't able to. There were pre-set weekends for firefighter training scheduled months ago and it just so happened to fall on this particular one. Of course it was mandatory for everyone to be present (I am a "fire girl" as Olivia puts it) so that meant 6 of the Newfolden Area Running Club (NARC) members, who are also firefighters, were unavailable for any running events.
So as an alternative we fell back on our close-knit group of NARCer's and planned our own little run. Sunday morning about ten of us were going to meet for a 3 mile run to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and have a little fun with the color green. But this is Minnesota after all and the weather can change in the blink of an eye...and so it did.
Mike and I overslept and woke up to a very cold temperature, which Mike did not have the appropriate layers for. Then I realized everything I needed to stay warm was in the washer. Back to bed. Everyone else apparently had the same idea so no one ran that morning- except Dave.
After spending the day in a chlorine infested water park I needed some fresh air desperately. My Sunday 3 mile run still needed to get knocked out so I figured what the heck, I might as well get my green on while I'm out there. Mike and I already bought a bunch of Patty's Day stuff so we figured we might as well get some use out of it.
The Targets: Dave, Kolby, Kent, Lori, Bryan, and Nico
The objective: Cover them in Silly String, hand them a shamrock while saying "You've been Sham-Rocked!", take a picture, then run. We have to entertain ourselves somehow in this small town.
Target #1- Dave
Silly string slightly worked.
Target #2- Kolby
One little shot of silly string.
Target #3- Kent
Mike sprayed the dog with sputtering silly string.
Target #4- Bryan
Silly string failed so we gave it to Bryan's son.
Target #5- Nico
Not a cooperative target
Target #6- Lori (she was suppose to be part of target #3)
She was in a meeting
Tip of the day: Silly String needs to be stored at room temperature for proper use.

So to end a weekend of training being cancelled, the temperature turning ugly, my head pounding from breathing chlorine all day, and learning I'm lactose intolerant...all of my running friends put a smile on my face!


  1. Nice JOB Mike and Lori!! I love you guys!! :-)


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