Let's Wish the Snow Away

Could we get any more snow? Well yeah we could but I think this would send most people into a professed abyss. It's the middle of March and tomorrow is the official start to spring. I believe we are going to skip right over summer and go right back to fall.
 When I left for work this morning I couldn't believe the amount of snow I saw all around me. It's waist high in most spots but even higher from drifting in others.
It's hard to judge from this photo
We were in a severe storm warning yesterday so I never did get my tempo run in but today was a new day. I went out naked while the sun was still up early this evening. Oh maybe I should explain that when runners say "naked" they usually mean without electronics. No phone, no mp3 player, no watch. Just me and mother nature, who was a bit brutal.
 The temperature was 6 degrees and the wind was blowing at 15 mph. So this put the "feels like" temperature at -11. I've been in worse but by mid March this gets a little tiring. I saw a fellow runner heading for the fitness center but I told myself the outdoors would only make me stronger.
And it did because I felt great! My feet weren't sore (I switched back to my Nike's), my ankle didn't hurt, my stomach felt normal, and my spikes worked great.
I hydrated all day after realizing my two day headache was due to a lack of necessary fluids. The Silk Soy milk I tried also seems to be settling well in my stomach which is bittersweet. I love cereal, ice cream, cheese, and sour cream but I love being able to run without going to the bathroom even more. Any reader out there have these problems? I'd love to read about other runners stomach issues (I know that they're out there).
Now it's time to get my weight back down and my speed back up. I have big ideas and even bigger goals this year. I'm so excited!


  1. I use almond milk! unsweetened vanilla... It's awesome. And, the fitness center was great btw! I'm gonna run outside tonight though, too nice not to. 18 degrees and only a 7 mph wind?! Gotta love this spring weather!


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