Learn a Little

I spent my Saturday in Fire Fighter I class and I couldn't wait to get home. Now that I'm here I'm bored. No one is here to entertain me. Mike brought three of our girls to a basketball tournament this morning so I'm waiting for Miss Hannah to come home with her 1st place medal. So proud, but what to do until they're home?
1. Listen to my pick song of the week- Build Your Kingdom Here by Rend Collective Experiment 

2. Text my friend Jana.
Me: Why do you hate running?
Jana: Because the long miles are boring and you run and end up back at your own house or still on the treadmill and you hurt afterward. I would rather do a different exercise that allowed me to shake things up a little (literally?). I realize you hurt after other exercises but they can be more exciting and stimulating (running with friends is exciting and very stimulating). It's really hard to put into words my extreme dislike of running (that's because she really likes it).
Cuz it sucks.
Me: Would you run if zombies were chasing you?
Jana: Real zombies? Heck Yeah!
Me: So what inspires you?
Jana: My kids make me want to be a good role model (she's an awesome mom). Every time I look at my husband I want to be a better person inside and out for him (and an awesome wife). My new friend and hearing her story of finding an exercise she didn't think she would like, loving it, and changing her outside (oooh that might be me). I am pretty sure her inside was always as wonderful as I know it to be. But when it comes down to it my biggest
inspiration is...
...my mom. She was sick at a young age, had three kids, and a husband to take care of. She was home for us when we got home. She was at every event, program, etc. when she wasn't in the hospital. She was in pain every day and no one would ever know it. She would sit on the bleachers for hours and watch me sit on the bench, because she knew I loved the sport. She had supper for us every night ready and waiting and was up before us every morning with breakfast waiting. She would go into the store for milk and come out an hour later with stories of who she saw and talked to. If someone didn't know her they would never know she had cancer. She always asked how someone was before they could even think to ask her. She would pack my lunch every day and extra food for my friends. She would throw us birthday parties and many sleepovers on weekends and be there for us and all our friends while battling cancer. She was strong and she is my inspiration. If I am half the mother, wife, and woman she was I would be proud.
It's amazing that there are people in this world that we don't get to meet who are just so incredible. Sometimes these people are right in front of us and we don't even know it. Jana and I live in a small town of 340-ish people, go to the same church, both have 5th graders, live 6 miles apart, and just met last May. Why did we not meet sooner? She blames me and I guess I blame me too. Time to slow down and get to know the people who surround us.
These are the amazing things I learn when I'm bored.
