Go Get Em Tiger

I'm enjoying a peaceful morning in what I like to call my "Ahhhhhh Spot" after an early morning run.
This is MY new space.
The kids are still sleeping and hubby is off to work. What a treat for me to be alone in my own house. I have two days off from work so I'm just going to relax and take advantage of having nothing scheduled to do.
I typed too soon...I hear little feet moving in my direction. Well I guess it's time for the three C's to begin- cereal, cartoons, and coloring.
Throughout the month of December I kept rather busy with the family and work so my mileage was very low. Now it's time to get motivated again. So how do you get motivated in the winter months?
If you don't have goals set some.
Sign up for a race or two to stay on track.
Find a buddy to run, walk, or workout with.
Get your spouse involved.
Get a subscription to a fitness magazine.
Strategically place motivational quotes around the house.
Learn to layer properly so you can still get outside. 
Stay away from the scale, it is not your friend.
If you want to lose weight that's great, but don't obsess over it. Eat better, exercise, and focus on an achievement rather than a certain look. Maybe you're not a runner and that's fine (we just can't hang out together). Mark a date on your calendar when you want to be able to swim that distance, lift so much weight, or crank out so many push-ups/squats/crunches/suicide drills/burpees, etc.
You can do et!
The -21 degree ice beard
Maybe your goal is to make it to Hawaii for a relaxing vacation or to thaw out. Whatever it is that you want make it happen in 2013. You're not too old, or out of shape, or broke. Well maybe you are but if you really want it you'll get it.
Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That mask kind of makes you look like Bane from the last Batman movie, if Bane wore pink and a wool hat with a head lamp.

    Great message too, I'm sure when you began your fitness Journey people asked you what the secret was (when they weren't telling you how dumb running was) The realization that there is no secret, and you just have to make plans and do it is the secret.


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