This Momma is Busy

What a great way to start my Saturday. Not only did I get to sleep in but I had a very nice run in the newly fallen snow. It was a bit slippery from the rain/snow mix that came through our area last night but what's a run without some fancy foot work? Yep I put on a show for some lady in a white pickup, although she appeared to be frowning at me. Huh, well I was laughing anyway.
I started out on the pavement and realized fairly quickly that there was a thin layer of ice under the snow. Foot placement is key when your dealing with ice and speed is usually reduced just like when your driving. I wasn't crazy about staying on the shoulder of the road my entire run just so I could keep a decent pace so I decided to turn around and hit the gravel. As I stopped to turn back I slipped and kept slipping while I made the turn and as I tried to start running again. I was sliding towards the center of the road when I noticed a white pickup headed in my direction. To avoid getting squashed I willed my body back towards the shoulder and then my Shaun T move happened.
SET! Anyone whose ever done Insanity knows what I'm talking about. Football stance...turn right...turn to the front...turn left...turn to the front...move right...move left...move sprint. As I was slipping my legs apparently wanted to go in opposite directions so I put one hand down to catch myself (SET!), which finally stopped the slipping, and then I was able to start running again. I was kind of impressed with myself for not falling. The huge smile on my face apparently wasn't contagious because the lady in the pickup looked unimpressed. Have a
fab-u-lous day ma'am!
The snow is melting fast
I'm so thankful that today there were no major plans and I can use this rare opportunity to regroup for next week. Are there any other moms out there who agree with me about not having any school events or important whatevers on the 1st day of any month? I live by my whiteboard calendar so if it's not written in EXPO I have no idea that it's happening. I'm usually pretty good about changing the calendar over on the last day of the month but not this week. I've been way too busy. I wasn't reminded of the High School concert or the daycare Halloween party until the day they were happening. Did I just hear someone say unacceptable? Perfect.
On Monday we started Insanity again and I also started working 8 hour days, which is 2.5 hours longer than I'm used to. I need a little time to adjust to this and my daily planner has yet to be mounted in front of my face. To quote my daughters pre-school class, "No big deal!" Things still manage to get done and the world keeps spinning round.
Every day last week there was something going on after work- dentist, dance, meetings, the Halloween 5K, Halloween, basketball sign-up, school concert, volleyball game, dropping kids off, picking kids up, etc. I'm asked quite often how I do it all and I think the fact that I only work 5.5 hours a day helps with everything else going on. But how the heck am I going to make it through the next 2 months working 8 hours on top of everything else? I guess the same way all the other working mothers out there do it. I'll just have to give up a few extra "things" like...
Sleep: I can give up about an hour every night.
Shaving: It's pants weather, no one will notice if I don't shave.
Sex: I'm done having babies anyway.
Texting: Well I can cut back a tiny bit (very tiny).
Cooking: Who needs a healthy well balanced meal?
Customer issues: "Please call the 800 number." [click] 
Facebook: That's simple.
Well that just completely uncluttered my schedule. I might make it through with my sanity but if I don't blogging will get way more interesting for ya'll.
