The Toilet is Not a Good Docking Station

I tried to will myself into running all afternoon but I really didn't want to. I've barely put any miles on since the Twin Cities Marathon so my running journal is looking pretty bare. I knew a run would feel great once I hit the road but I was fighting with myself the whole time.
Just go and get it over with. Maybe later. It's perfect running weather. Maybe later. Text someone to go with you. Everyone is busy hunting. The weekend is all you have now that Insanity is ruining your mornings. Insanity is enough. Liar. I know. Just go before it's dark out. Fine I'll go.
I have the best conversations with myself. At least that's how they seem to go in my head. Since the Vikings weren't keeping me awake I decided to get off my tush and go out for a nice 3 mile evening run. 39 degrees and no wind- perfect! So I geared up, updated my iPod, and headed out. No gum, barely hydrated, and knowing I'd need a bathroom at some point. The first mile was a bit rough with the cool air scratching at my throat but by the second mile I felt much better. The music kept my mind off the bloody taste in the back of my throat.
Side Note: The Yurbuds are working really well. They stay in place even while sweating and despite the reviews I read about poor sound quality I think they sound great. A few negative reviews on Amazon stated that there was no bass and the sound was muffled. Maybe those Yurbud users had the earphones in the wrong ears (left in right and right in left). I probably should have a smaller size but I never actually saw any size specified on the pair I bought. I also read that the rubber covers fall off and get lost but this has not happened to me...yet. So as of right now I would recommend
them to you.
As I was finishing up this much needed run my stomach started to turn. Perfect timing. I really wanted to keep running, at least until Pink was done singing "You gotta get up and try try try" but the bathroom was calling. So I dashed up my front steps and continued to run through the house towards the toilet. My Yurbuds were still in with Pink singing away so I started to unhook and untangle the iPod from my clothes. While I was attempting this obviously difficult task the iPod slipped right out of my hand. Yep, that baby fell right through my legs and into the toilet. I let out a scream and expected Mike to come running but he didn't. He knew exactly what happened and had no desire to come in and check. Dumb whatever can be blamed.

Just for the record I had not actually "gone" yet but still. I am a big time germ-a-phob. So how the heck do I thoroughly clean an iPod? Dunk it in bleach? I WILL figure this out. At least it wasn't the Yurbuds that I have to stick in my ears. TMI?
This is such a bad idea
