The Tin Teeth Runner

I am officially addicted to the TV show The Walking Dead. My sister recommended that I get caught up to season 3 on Netflix so that's what I'm doing even as I type. I stayed up until midnight watching some of season 2 but I had to cut myself off so I could run early this morning.
It was a whopping 9 degrees outside but with the wind chill it was below zero. Three layers on top, two on the bottom, hat, gloves, mask...toasty warm. Well not really but I was good for 4 miles anyway. Our Turkey Leg was also a bit chilly this year; 21 degrees with a strong west wind.
No matter how cold it is outside friends make running much more pleasant. Especially when my braces rub my mouth raw and all I can think about is getting home to cover the sharp edges with wax. Oh yeah look at these beauties.
*Ting Ting*

Caitlin should be getting her braces off before Christmas but for me I have another 2 1/2 years of suffering. She laughs at me quite often and the first thing she said was, "Old people look weird with braces on." First of all I am not old and second yes it might look weird for an older person to have them but I want straight teeth too.
I was afraid I'd be in too much pain to be able to run or workout after spending two hours at the dentist but I actually felt ok. The only time my teeth really hurt was when I tried to bite into some food. I was able to eat all the Thanksgiving food without having any major problems but it turned cold before I finished. Mike said I could blend the turkey like baby food and eat it that way. I guess braces are good for weight loss anyway.
The good news is my teeth don't get really cold when I run and my mouth did not freeze shut (sorry Nico). The bad news is I need to learn how to bite and chew my food differently. I have to suck on my gum which makes working out and running more interesting but I'll get the hang of it.
