Should the NYC Marathon be Postponed?

There are some mixed emotions about the ING New York City Marathon that is scheduled to take place this Sunday. Should this event still take place after hurricane Sandy ripped through the area? My sister, who lives in Maine, text me today and wrote this:
"I am shocked at how bad it is in NY and NJ. No fuel, no power, no food or water in some parts. Working class families picking through dumpsters for food and two small children found dead from drowning. This is America for heavens sake."
I responded, "Yes it is but we can't build a fortress around the USA to prevent these disasters."
"No we can't but we can pull it together and make sure people have food and water, fuel, heat, and power before we plan a Marathon."
As a runner I must say that I agree 100% They can spin it however they want to make it look like they're holding this event to bring the victims together. "Race to Recover" is what they're calling it. I really hope Mayor Bloomberg knows what he's doing by allowing this race to take place. Not that there will be any major issues but it takes extra efforts from so many resources to pull a race event together. There's extra transportation, police manpower, medical needs, traffic issues, volunteers, water, bathrooms, etc.
Oh wait, I see they did revise the cancellation policy. Now you're allowed to cancel your entry but not to get your money back- oh no that would be too generous. Runners can cancel and reapply to run in 2013 BUT they still have to pay the 2013 fees. Wow! So if I lived in NY and lost my home but registered to run I could cancel, get no money back, and then next year I could reapply pay more fees and feel really good about...what? What would I feel good about? The fact that I was allowed to reapply?
As Brad Paisley is doing Gangnam style and explaining motorboating to America there are many people still without power. However, to those who are tuned in he's also mentioned the victims in NY and NJ and is asking viewers to help by going to God bless America!

 I know that people are trying to move on and bring people together but this marathon is too soon. I also know that by postponing or cancelling an event it doesn't change what has already happened but if you've ever participated in a big race event you know this is a big deal. I'm not sure if it's the right decision for this city or for any of these runners. I will continue to pray for everyone on the east coast and I hope this event is everything it's meant to be.
Anyone want to weigh in with their thoughts? Please share.


  1. ...and it was cancelled today. I believe that was the best choice for everyone.


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