Yurbuds to Motivate

So far this week it's been rainy and cool, which surprising has made for nice running weather. It hasn't actually rained when we've been out but the dampness is always in the air. It's much needed after such a dry summer but I have a feeling winter is going to be brutal. I shiver at the thought.
I've been checking out new gear and reading material to prepare me for the training months ahead. I got pretty burnt out towards the end of my marathon training so I'm looking for new motivation. These are just a few of my recent buys and wants.
Item #1
After months of looking for a new pair of earphones to use with my iPod Shuffle I finally broke down and bought a set. Since the control pad for the older model Shuffle is located on the earphone cord I first had to buy an adapter that allowed me to use any set I chose. If you need one click here.

One of my favorite bloggers at Shut Up + Run recommend the Yurbud so I decided I would give them a shot. Apparently I didn't read her post close enough. I knew there were different sizes but didn't see that she very clearly stated they just came out with a model specifically designed for women. Darn it! I bought mine through Amazon and I didn't see any different sizes or any women versions. Anywho, Yurbuds were developed by a marathoner and triathlete so I'm sure they will hold up fairly well.  I'll put them through some testing and post my results.
I had no idea there was a Womens Running magazine. Of course I had to subscribe right away because I love reading (and running). I'm not sure if it'll be any good but I'm willing to try it out. I didn't care too much for Running Times so I decided to replace that one for this one. I can and will suggest Outside Magazine- very good!
Knuckle Lights are completely sold out. What??????? How can that be? I've been thinking about buying a pair of these instead of wearing a headlamp but they might be a little tricky to find ATM (that means At The Moment). They're a little bigger than I had originally thought they were but again I'll have to try them out and see.
While at the Expo for the TCM I came across these awesome Urban Halo headbands. They were
3/$25 or 1/$15 so I went with the better deal, of course, and bought 3. These aren't really good for the upcoming cold weather months but so far this fall they have worked great.
Run Like a Mother authors Dimity McDowell and Sarah Bowen Shea both spoke at the TCM expo. I was hoping to make it to that seminar but never did- boo to me. I'm in the process of reading this on my Nook but some little Nook snatchers have made it very difficult. Right now the battery is dead and I have hundreds of little fingerprints covering the screen. Oh well I need some sleep anyway.
I'm always looking for new and interesting running gear and information. If you have any to share let me know. My share: the Honky Tonk Marathon in Wisconsin Dells set for next October. Just the name sounds cool!
So what are other runners out there reading, looking for, and/or wanting to buy?
