Focus Daniel Son

I could have just sleep the day away...but I guess I can't do that. While I was in my warm bed this morning enjoying a peaceful sleep others we gearing up to run the Fargo Mini Marathon. The top finisher was Travis Fitzke of Pierre, SD with a time of 1:09:26. Way to go random stranger! I really did want to run it but with only two weeks in between TCM and the Fargo Mini I decided to enjoy my well needed break. I've run 3 times since the marathon so now it's time to get my butt in gear again. I've committed to Insanity for the 3rd time so that will be a horrible early morning sweat fest. It gets me in good shape though.
"It's not sweat, it's liquid awesome."
Running gets tough in the transition from summer to winter. The little part of Fall that we do have in Northwest Minnesota is so minute that it's almost irrelevant. Mornings are dark, it's cold and wet outside, and usually everyone is still cuddled up in their nice warm beds dreaming about rainbows and unicorns. Well maybe not rainbows, but getting out of bed is tough early in the morning before the rest of the world is doing the Wobble.
I have to reacquaint myself with all of my layers and figure out what works best in various temperatures. I seem to forget over the three short months of summer. Someone asked me the other day if I start running on the treadmill when winter starts. I highly dislike the treadmill. I didn't tell them that because I know some people love it. I just told him I run outside in all weather, but the cutoff is -30 degrees. I do have some common sense. I just find the treadmill to be very boring and for me there is no "easy" run on that thing. All the numbers seem to scream at me the ENTIRE time and I can't help but to scream back. I'm going! I'll pick it up! Let's just get this over with already! It hasn't even been 1 stinkin' mile yet? What the heck! I hate you treadmill! Those are the only moments I agree will the "Running Sucks" shirts. In all fairness I've run on a treadmill less than a dozen times. One day I probably will own one and stick it in my soon-to-be garage but for now I'll just bundle up and hit the road.

So what's your running focus on right now?

Mine is on the NARC Halloween 5K that I'm planning for October 30th. It started out as an unorganized small group run but now it's a planned event- so awesome. I have the shirt designed, decorations bought, and costumes ready to go. Yep Mike and I bought matching costumes this year and we're running in them. Let's hope for good weather so we don't freeze arrr butts off. Get it? We're pirates. Lame I know. The word around town is there will be quite a few people dressing up and gunning to win the best costume prize. Time to get creative people!

If anyone is interested in running or walking the registration form can be found here. And feel free to "Like" our page while you're there.

Keep on keeping on.
