We Live in a World of Change

“I’m glad we had the times together just to laugh and sing a song, seems like we just got started and then before you know it, the times we had together were gone.”
Dr. Seuss

It has been a very draining day to say the least. I woke up to run 5 miles around 5 o'clock this morning and right now I am exhausted. Somehow time just keeps passing and the world keeps spinning; amazing I know. God seems to have this plan and although it's not always easy to understand I trust that His plan is the right one.
Olivia's first day of preschool was today and as much as we were prepared for it I was not ready for her to go. She even slept in her own room in her own bed last night. She has not done that in a very long time. I messed up the crib to toddler bed transition so she has been sleeping on the floor in our room or in one of her sisters beds ever since. So throughout the summer we told her that once school started she would have to sleep in her own bed. Then about a week ago I moved her bed into our room to prepare for it. Well the message apparently sank in because she was more than willing to sleep in her own room last night (with a nightlight, hall light on, and door wide open). She was so excited for school and I was excited for her, but that doesn't mean I liked it.
Saying goodbye to her friend
Mike and I walked her to the bus and waved spastically when it finally pulled away...and then I ran home, jumped in my van, and followed the bus to school. Yeah that's right- I followed her to school. As I was driving behind the bus I heard the Brad Paisley song Anything Like Me.
Every mom out there should relate to this. I had my camera with me and needed to get some good pictures for her special school scrapbook, so I had to go to the school. I was not the only parent there but she did tell me to leave. I just couldn't go so I took a few more pictures and told her I'd be waiting when she got off the bus. She was way too calm for me. She had her daycare friends and they were all happy as clams (whatever that means).
There were very high winds here today which very adorably caught my van door just right and bent the hinges. So of course it doesn't open or shut right which also led to a bent fender. Yes the wind was that strong. All hubby could say was "Way to go." If only I had known the wind would try to open my door for me...so polite. I then wondered if the teacher let the preschoolers go outside for recess because those little buggers might just have blown away.
Olivia didn't blow away but she didn't have much to say about her fabulous day. I know she had lots of fun because her face was dirty, her shirt was stained, and there were no tears. She passed out on my bed just after 8 tonight. Yep, that just proves her day was good. *Sigh* Even little changes can feel so big.
My day already felt very strange and a bit off with Olivia going to school and then I got a shocking phone call at work. Someone we know passed away last night. The details are still a bit unknown but my heart goes out to all of his family members and friends. He was well liked by all, easy going, and just loved to have fun. He will be missed by so many.
I know God has blessed me with my husband and kids but I can't help but to feel a bit off track...why must life be so cruel?
“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”
Dr. Seuss
