Safety First...I guess

I'm trying something new today. Another first that I can add to my running list (no I don't really have a list). I'm not quite sure if it was the best decision but it was the best option for the schedule that I've had lately.
According to the training program I chose to follow today I'm suppose to run 26 miles. So, this morning I ran 13 of that 26 and now I have another 13 to complete later today. I've heard that other runners break up their long runs into two different segments but I've never tried it before. I thought about doing this for my last long run of 28 miles but this one was a last minute decision.
This was the least prepared I've ever been for a long run. We've been super busy lately and ever since the local homicide Mike will not let me run alone. Well at least not my longer early morning runs anyways. It has to be broad daylight and I have to give exact directions of where I'm going. Most of my training has been done alone but something changed earlier this week.
I know a few members of the Kazmierczak family through work and church and my heart goes out to them in their time of grief. Although it seems to be an isolated incident it has left everyone in the area a bit on edge. You can read more of the story here.
So, if I can't find a running partner Mike has insisted on riding bike beside me, which is fine. I understand the worry and concern but this can't go on forever. I need to run when it works in my schedule and we can't both just leave the kids at home all the time. This has only happened a few times this week but I'm already getting frustrated. Two of my runs this week had to be adjusted because I had no one to run with, and one didn't even happen. I'm just about a month away from the Twin Cities Marathon and I can't miss miles just because I don't have someone to run with. 
Being safe while running has been blogged about on Shut Up + Run. The subject hit very close to home for her when her cousin, Sherry Arnold, was kidnapped and murdered while out on an early morning run. It was tragic and unnecessary but people are not going to stop running alone.
I know there are crazy people out there. I know anything can happen anywhere- even in small towns. I watch people and vehicles closely, I carry my phone, I have a plan, I tell people where I'm running and when I should return, and that just has to be enough. 
The reasons I choose to go so early in the morning:
1. I want to get my run over with right away.
2. I don't want to take time away from my family (3-4 hours is a big chuck of the day).
3. I still want to accomplish my daily projects.
4. I don't have time to run after work (kids, husband, sports, meetings, my life, etc.).
5. I want to get my run over with.
Yesterday we had school shopping to do and kids to pick-up after their State Fair trip so I didn't make it to bed until after 11 p.m. When I finally crawled out of bed the thought of running until noon didn't sound appealing and then there was weather, kids, more shopping, etc., etc. Although I'm feeling pretty sore I'm going to run another 13 with Mike by my side. That guy is going to have a really sore butt.
