Finishing up the Year

With winter right around the corner it's time to finish off the year with a few more fun races. All the major ones are just about complete and serious training won't begin again until January. So what are we going to do from October until January? Well I'm about to tell you.
So after I totally rock the Twin Cities Marathon in 11 days I'm going to run with (or away from) zombies. Today I officially signed up for a 5K Zombie run and I'm pretty excited about it. I'd be even more excited if I could be a zombie chasing the runners. Either way it involves zombies and I'm carefully preparing my outfit.
True Dat
After that there's the 5K Full Moon run October 30th, but for me it's a two hour drive on a Tuesday night. Maybe the NARC creators should just organize a full moon/Halloween run right here. I'll check on that one.
November 3rd is Sandy's Donut Run which offers a 5K and 10K run. Donuts and running go together like zombies and brains. Should be a good time! Also in November will be the 3rd annual NARC Turkey Leg which is run early Thanksgiving morning. Everyone is welcome and for more info just click the link and "like" the NARC Facebook page. Details coming soon.
On December 1st there is the Jingle Bell 5K, which was my very first official race 3 years ago. Bryan and I are contemplating this one. Our plan is to do speed work until January's full marathon training starts again. So if we work on speed and run a few 5K's before the new year I think that will keep us motivated enough.  
Right now for 2013 I'm looking at the Fargo Half Marathon in May, Grandma's in June, and Tough Mudder in July. Of course there will be others in between but those are just some of my bigger goals for the upcoming year. Awesomeness!
A sweet gift from my lovely friends
