Boo to Bad Playlists

Before one of my solo runs this week I grabbed my iPod, plugged it into the laptop, and clicked sync. I was hoping to update my play list with some upbeat songs that could get me through a lonely run. Such a bad idea when there are five young girls and 3 iPods in my household. Around mile 4 I was waiting for just the right song to play but all I got was The Christmas Shoes by Alabama. At that moment I knew I needed to come up with a super fly playlist (free of kids songs).
 Taylor Swift isn't so bad (depending on the mood) but when Nick Jonas starts singing about cheese and toenail moons or Demi Lovato and her La La Land comes blaring through my headphones I cringe. I'll admit that when I'm at home with my girls we dance, sing, and act all kinds of goofy to whatever they want, even the Beib's. But when I'm alone on a run I need something that makes me feel like Rocky Balboa.  
I have an iPod shuffle so 80% of the tracks right now get a double click (skip) on my headphones control. No biggy right? Wrong! It's such a pain to run with my hand by my ear so I can scan through horrible music. It slows me down. Especially when I really want to be done with running right now. I need a break so badly. I've been running almost everyday for the past 18 weeks (only 7 days off). If this marathon doesn't get here soon I might seriously lose my mind. 14 days away!
 A good play list can be a lifesaver to someone who runs day after day with the same scenery and no one to talk to. It doesn't have to be all upbeat techno/club/top 20 but it CAN NOT be mellow/depressing/suicide music. I guess it all comes down to personal taste but I have two examples to show you.
Example of a good song for a long run.

Example of a bad song for a long run.
Ok so Mumford and Sons is a little more mellow but there's a good rhythm that helps me pick up the speed. I also really like Blue October but this is the most depressing song ever, imo. When a long run lasts 3-4 hours and it's just you out there stuck in your own head things can get real bad real fast. Add depressing music on top of that and you better have your ride on speed dial.
So as the next two weeks start tapering down for mileage I will be working on a motivational playlist as a back-up resource for TCM. I don't think I will need my iPod with all the people and scenery in the Twin Cities but I want to be prepared.   
I had to add this one because it's my new motivational running favorite :D
