No Excuses

I had plenty of excuses this morning for why I shouldn't have gone running. I was tired, my legs were sore, and my stomach hurt.


I didn't fall asleep until after 11 last night, we started Insanity on Monday so my legs are super sore, plus I ate candy and chocolate cake yesterday so my stomach was/is rumbling. I was willing myself to stay upright this morning so I could get dressed. I easily could have went back to bed since I'm on vacation this week and have nowhere to be today. Turn the light on...find your more sock...once your contacts are in you're committed...Bryan would probably be more than happy to go back to can't run later Mike is working can take a nap if you need to. This tug of war went on in my head for a few minutes and then my phone lit up.

Bryan: Are you too tired?
Me: Thought about saying that but I don't want to run later.

I continued to get ready and waited for another text but I didn't get one. Well let's get this over with. Those first few steps were rough on my stiff legs but once I found my rhythm zombie Lori was gone. We headed east out of town and I quickly realized that I needed to get my hands on a camera.

"I really need to find my camera. I don't even have my phone with me. Do you have your phone?" At least Bryan was prepared. I made a quick call to my wonderful husband who was willing to get out of bed just to bring the camera for a 2 minute photo shoot.


If I had given in to my excuses I would have missed the amazing scenery this morning. I would have felt guilty for not going and I would have went through the day with a 5 mile run looming over my head. NO EXCUSES!


My eyes were open, my brain was functioning, my legs were moving, my stomach held strong, and I never once regretted getting out of bed. That's what running is all about- pushing your mind and body. Some mornings God makes His presence well known and this was one of those mornings.

I will be looking for my camera today so I won't have to get Mike out of bed again.

Are they waiting for me?
