A Toast to New Beginnings

I really wish I knew where my digital compact camera was. I usually keep it in my hydration pak for impromptu photos but I took it out for the 81 on 81. Of course when I tried to use it the batteries were dead and I had no AA's to spare. I'm pretty sure that was the last time I saw it. I haven't looked really hard but I haven't come across it in any of the places it would normally be. I could have used it this morning...

There was a beautifully bright full moon this morning when I headed out for a 10 mile run. The morning air felt cool on my skin and the fog was just starting to roll in. The humidity had finally dropped which was an unexpected relief. Perfect early morning weather.

When Bryan and I were about 3 miles into the run he pointed to a golden field full of fresh mowed straw bails with the moon directly overhead. Yep, it was a beautiful scene but I was without my camera. Then on the way back in to town the sun was starting to rise and break through the trees and fog which created glowing beams of light. Ugh, why didn't I look for my camera? The scene would be lost long before I'd be able to drive back with my Canon.

The scenery was wonderful but the run was not so much. I knew my stomach wasn't going to hold up for long because I had eaten chocolate covered potato chips and gummy candy the night before. Hey I know what you're thinking. Well not really but I rarely eat candy anymore as my stomach really doesn't allow me to. I knew my consequences and luckily I was able to make it home without needing a bathroom break. For the record- those chips were amazing!

 My shoes have also logged way too many miles and my feet are really starting to feel the effects. Running shoes average about 200-300 miles of use before they should be replaced and mine are well past 400. The inside edges of my shoes are really worn because I overpronate so I feel the rubbing with every step. The soreness on the inside of my feet is like blisters forming but the skin is just too tough to let that happen. Time for some new Nike's.
Womens Nike Air Pegasus+ 29 Running Shoe
The worst part of the run was my hydration pak. I wore a regular cotton t-shirt that absorbed too much sweat which caused chaffing under my pak. Tightening the straps helped so there was no movement but by the time I realized the straps were loose the run was over. Chaffing hurts and makes a run pretty miserable. The worst part is when the water from the shower hits my back and I feel the initial sting. Sometimes I let out an unexpected yelp but it doesn't last long.

My day was full of ups and downs. Just like my morning run throughout the day there were good points and bad. I was yelled at for relaying a message, I didn't get to go to Wefest, I change my blog name and got my own domain, I ate more crappy food, drank a beer, and was asked the most ridiculous question that ruined my night. So it's a mixture, but I don't expect perfection in life.

Let's touch a bit on the good. As you can see my new blog name has changed to The Road Behind Me. Thanks to a dear friend who brainstormed with me and finally spit this one out. He also suggested Run Like a Fairy Fighting Zombie, which I loved. I wanted to take a more serious route though. The road that I've run up to this point is behind me. Like in life I have covered this road on my own and although it might not be smooth and steady all the time it's still part of my journey. The past is the past and the road behind me is left with only shadows of footprints that I have made. I will continue to move forward down the road leaving behind the negative and only looking back on the positive. Thank you to everyone who has supported me up to this point and I hope you will continue to do so. If you bookmarked my link you'll have to update it now that I have my own domain (big smile). This is a new beginning and the road behind me has left a nice foundation
to build on. So grab a glass and celebrate with me!
