Busy Week

No I'm not dead and I did not go on any kind of wonderful vacation. A lot has happened this week and I've just been way too busy to post anything. I know you're probably thinking it doesn't take a long time to leave a quick update but I really have been that busy. Last Sunday I was going to post about the 12 mile run I did to my friends house. I've never actually run to any ones house before, or at least not one who lives out of town. This was pretty exciting for me and broke up the run quite nicely since she lives 6 miles from my house. She was even nice enough to offer me her bathroom if I needed it, but I thought this spot would work just fine.

Thanks Jana!
Monday I did a quick 3 mile run after work and then spent time with the kids as hubby was conducting business. I filled Miss O's pool and played catch with Hannah while the other girls basked in the sun listening to music. Out of the blue Caley decided to lace up and sprint back and forth down the street in front of our house. I found out that she's a heel striker, but her form looked pretty good otherwise. She acted like she didn't want me taking photos of her and tried to hide the smile while she passed by me.

I believe she's still the fastest female in her class-whoop!

Since Miss O has to get in on the action, and is always up for a good run, she was more than happy to join her big sister. Her form seems quite flawless actually, even with sandals on. Maybe I should buy her a pair of Lunar Sandals. She seems to be a bit of a heel striker also, but she glides along quite nicely. She smiles and giggles but gets very serious when she needs to be- I could learn a lot from her. I wonder if she'd be my coach? Pretty sure she'd be willing but not sure I'd be able to accomplish any long runs with her. It still amazes me that she completed a 1 mile Fun Run when she was 3 years old and ran almost the whole distance- I'm such a proud mommy!

Go Livey go!

Tuesday was 10U volleyball in Oklee so I brought my running gear with me and planned on doing my 6 mile fartlek run between games.
Side note: Fartlek is basically speed work, and of course it's just cool to say.
Well there wasn’t much of a break and I was really tired so I kept dragging my feet. Hannah said she had a bad headache from getting smacked in the head with a basketball and volleyball earlier in the day. We tried getting her something to eat and my friend Patti bit an aspirin into fourths but Hannah still hasn’t figured out how to purposefully swallow something. She was practically lying on the bench and coach wasn’t playing her because she was too sick. So I decided we needed to bring her home. I think we made it only a few miles out of town before I heard Hannah’s little voice saying she had to throw up. As I was telling Mike to pull over he grabbed the pizza box (our supper) for her to throw up in. I kept telling Mike to pull over but it just wasn't happening. He finally came to a stop but didn’t put the van in park and our doors don’t unlock  automatically until the vehicle is in park. It was quite the sight to see us all panicking and trying to move quickly to get her over Caley and onto the shoulder of the road. Thankfully the door opened just in time and everyone made it through the whole ordeal cleanly. I was able to do my fartlek run but not until 9 p.m. so that was pretty late for me. I think I did well given the time, temperature, and nasty bugs flying into my face.

Wednesday we (well Mike) finally found a little bit of time to put up the pool. It has been a really warm week with temperatures in the 80's and lots of sunshine. I decided about a month ago that since I don't have time in the morning to run, due to our Insanity workout, I'll try to run right after work. That way I can get running out of the way and then the rest of my night is free to spend with the family. Well sometimes running at 3 in the afternoon is not a wise choice. I had a 4 mile run Wednesday and didn't bother to take my Hydration Pak because I thought I wouldn't need it. Very bad decision! I was worried I wouldn't make it back and someone would find me lying on the road somewhere. Of course I didn't bring my phone either since I had no pockets. I ran to the Fire Station for water but fumbled with the door for what seemed like forever. I put my hands on my knees, took some deep breaths, and tried one more time. Success! I will always wear my Pak when it is above 80 degrees- lesson learned.

Thursday was another volleyball game day but this time it was 12U in Mahnomen (1 1/2 hours away).  This time I did not bring my running clothes because all of Caley's games were back to back. I decided to switch my Thursday miles for Friday, but if I didn't get the 4 miles in I wasn't going to beat myself up over it. I just wanted to enjoy watching my daughter play...and I did!

They got 1st place. Good job girls!

Friday I skipped Insanity because we didn't get home from volleyball until 10 the night before and I was exhausted. I thought I'd try to make it up later that day but I wanted to run my 7 before I did anything else. I waited until Bryan was done with work and he ran the last 4 miles with me. It got to be too late for Insanity because I found Mike and the girls at the park while we were running so I hung out there for a bit. Then I stopped by the church and helped paint one Olympic ring for our Vacation Bible School decor. I would have done more had, ahem, Patti asked for help. By the time I got home that night it was too late and our Saturday workout would be too early for me to have any recovery time.

This week started month 2 of Insanity and it got a lot more intense.We basically went from 40 minute workouts to 60 minutes and it is INSANE! Actually I think it went from insane to just plain stupid but it's still pretty awesome. We talked two other people into joining us Saturday morning for said "stupid' workout and they both seemed to really like it. It's so much more fun to have other people in the gym dripping sweat everywhere. I had to start bringing a towel because it's just that gross.

I decided to run my 3 miles right after the workout because we were going to the lake with friends and I wouldn't be home until late that night. Bryan and Nico said they'd join me on my run and Nico mentioned breakfast at the Cafe, which meant I had to go home and get Mike back out of bed. He had a late night and I made it very clear before he went out that he knew he was still working out at 6 a.m. So not only did I drag him out of bed once but I had to go get him up a second time after he already went home, showered, and crawled back in bed. We had a good morning with our friends and then it was off to the lake for some wake boarding fun. We've never tried it before but Mike, of course, got the hang of it right away. He's good at everything!

Look at that smile!

I felt like I was close to getting up but as soon as I'd start to get out of the water the nose of the board dipped back down and I'd have to let go of the rope. I sucked in some water, just about pulled my bad shoulder out of the socket, and was run over by the boat...but all in all it was a lot of fun.

Still smiling!
Nico didn't mean to run me over of course, but the boat just got a little too close to me. It all happened so fast I had no idea what was going on. I just remember seeing the boat coming at me, Nico jumping in the water, and then I could feel the bottom of the boat and Nico's arm around my waist. He acted fast and knew what to do so no harm no foul. Really it wasn't a big deal. People get run over by boats all the time, right?

So that brings us to today. I have a 14 mile run that I'm trying to schedule in my day. We just had our church family night at the park postponed so that frees up some time for me. We have some rain coming through today and it looks like it will be pretty heavy so that always makes running a little more difficult. I really wish I could just do nothing all day but that never happens around here anymore. I thought summer was suppose to be relaxing? It's been full of excitement already so I can't wait to see what happens in the next few months.
