Some Days it's a Lose/Lose Battle

There are days when you wake up and you just know it's going to be a bad day. Other days you think it's going to be great and it ends up sucking big gobstoppers. While it is true that life is what you make of it and attitude is everything I believe that negative behavior can drastically change the moods of those surrounding it. Dang, would it kill people to just act happy ALL the time? While some people seem to attract misery others haven't yet developed the fine skills needed to properly express their feelings. Deep huh? Well let me explain...I'm referring to my 3 (almost 4) year old. Some of you will understand this all too well. Miss O woke up crabby, screamed at me on the way to daycare, didn't cooperate while getting her hair cut this afternoon, and yelled at me again about her friend coming over.
Totally opposite from that happy kitty on her shirt. She's allowed to have a bad day (sometimes)!
Don't worry she's happy as a clam now (whatever that means). When she saw this picture she said, "That's me...crabby pants." Boy was she right on with that comment. I mean I have bad days too but I can be reasoned with, she can not. Her biggest issue of the day was the fact that I grabbed the wrong jacket for her. An adult would simply say,"Oops wrong jacket." and either get the right one or not give a rip and just go about their day. Nope not her, she had to have the one with a hood. I can only use the threat of no birthday party so many times before she just doesn't believe me anymore. Ice cream didn't work either. I'd listen perfectly for some ice cream! Thank goodness for patient moms (and hairdressers) because I did not win that battle.

I woke up this morning after a late night (mistake 1) thinking it was Cardio Recovery day. I read the calendar wrong (mistake 2) and we actually had to do Plyometric Cardio Circuit. This might possibly be the worst workout ever. For those of you who have never done Insanity please follow along. Go into a regular push-up position on the floor, toes not knees. While keeping your hands on the floor jump/hop in and to the right side, then jump back (push-up position) then jump in to the left side. Try doing 10 and let me know how it goes for you. I hate them and to make it worse they add in and outs right after that. Same position but jump/hop into your arms then jump back into push-up ready position. Maybe these were bad instructions but I start grunting during the third set and by this time Mike is yelling, "IN, OUT. IN, OUT!" This does not help. Being tired and thirsty while working out is draining enough, then I have to try not to laugh and fall on my face. The best part of these workouts is when we're done. Not just because we won't have to suffer anymore but because we all feel more awake and energized. So it is definitely worth it!

Since it was Wednesday that meant Mike had to run his loop in town after work. Ugh- I have to go too since I can't just let him run alone. Why can't I...go have that Bloody Mary I've been promised or the Jello Shots that I deserve (I'm kidding- I rarely drink- pick up your jaw and stop acting perfect). Jeez Louise, I have a busy life and my children rarely ever help me out. So I run to get a break from the whining, fighting, house cleaning, laundry, dish washing, cooking, TV, and overall stress. So running has become my rest- my "me" time. So when people ask me how I do it...well I guess this is my answer. I don't really know, but a day has 24 hours and I sleep only for about 6 of those. I'm not perfect and I sometimes forget things but that's ok. I don't want to be perfect or pretend to be because that's not real. I like having real feelings and when I need to be crabby I can be because that's life. I try not to linger on the bad and walk away when I know I need to. Life is long, not short, and I want to fit as much as I can into my long life. I want to rock climb, run in the mountains, skydive, own a motorcycle, swim with dolphins, bring my kids on trips, watch them get married, travel the world...and much more. Don't you?
So I can run (or exercise) away my temporary lows and help Miss O soothe hers by singing You are my Sunshine (because that's our favorite). No one can live our lives or raise our kids or fight our battles. And when you do have a lose/lose battle kind of day remember this:
"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. The crabby face of Ms O. That is a look that has been passed down for a couple of generations.

    Your right, we all have bad days but some get over it faster than others. By the sounds of your day with Olivia she was not in a hurry to get over it.

    Tomorrow will hopefully be a good one with Olivia singing You Are My Sunshine from the time she wakes up.


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