I'm Glad I Brought the Toilet Paper

As week five of Insanity got underway I realized I needed to take a closer look at the running program I'll be following for the Twin Cities Marathon. I've been trying to squeeze in a few miles here and there between Insanity, the kids schedules, and my awesome new friends (holla). So on Tuesday I sat down with my calendar and started to count weeks until the race. I chose a 20 week program, so for those who are a little quicker with math than I am you might realize the problem. I had flipped the calendar back from October to May and was very surprised that the program should have been started last Monday. Holy crap! I was already one week and one day behind. I was not mentally prepared and physically Insanity has been enough. After this week we still have another 4 weeks of waking up at 4:30 a.m. to do this insane workout and now I have to squeeze in my running program, ugh.

So with a busy schedule I came home from work today and decided to get my run in before I had to make supper and go to a fire meeting. I wanted to try out my DIY Workout shirt that I made from a tutorial I found on Pinterest, which I thought was a good idea. It seemed to work well on this hot day...kind of.

I almost left without my Hydration Pak but my stomach has been acting funny lately so I knew toilet paper was essential. It was more about utilizing the pockets than it was about carrying water, but with the temperature at 72 degrees I sure am glad I filled my Pak. I was pretty excited about running 7 alone but was a little worried about having to use the bathroom.

Well let me tell you it was HOT. The sun was bright and powerful and I had to keep reminding myself to drink. I brought a watch so I could time my miles and calculate where my turn around point would be. Having a watch really does suck for me. I look at it way too much and time seems to go much too slow. So after running for about 20 minutes I had my first embarrassing moment. For some reason I reached back for my shirt and realized it was tucked up underneath my Pak. My shorts were folded over so my long tag was hanging out along with my "love handles" from my exposed back. Oh great I wonder who got to see that? I thought only a few cars had come up behind me so hopefully none of them knew who I was. I wondered if I had left the house that way and my kids never told me. Gosh what a dweeb. No, I finally remembered that I looked in the mirror before I left the house and my shirt was down. So needless to say I made sure it was down the rest of my run.

Then to get my mind off the shirt fiasco my stomach started to rumble; embarrassing moment #2. Looking around I saw cars coming from both the east and west but I was so close to some trees and I didn't want to wait. Yikes I really have a hard time with this. I knew two of my friends lived west of town and wondered if they'd be passing by. Maybe they could at least provide cover for me or something (hey I know you've done worse things ladies). I decided to run a little bit further to a crossing and turn around. It was a little earlier then I wanted to turn but I absolutely had to go to the bathroom and there were no other trees. I think I was actually saying, "Shoot" out loud while trying to make it back to that one and only spot. I made it to an area where no one could see me from the road and thanked myself for bringing the tp. Everything was much better...until I looked around at the plants surrounding me and thought they looked an awful lot like poison ivy. Double crap! Well by that time it was already too late to move and I could hear a bee buzzing around my head. Why me? Oh yeah I could just imagine getting stung in the arse and having poison ivy all over said arse. So my plan was to get home as quickly as possible so I could shower, which I thought washed the plant oils away. According to what I googled I was wrong about the shower but it can take 8-48 hours before a person breaks out in the rash. I'm really hoping I was wrong about the leaves I saw but I'll just have to wait and see. I mean I never really liked Science so I could be way off on my identification ability (please God let me be wrong). On the up side I know I made a lot of people laugh today, but I really want to be able to sit normally. Another fine situation my stomach has gotten me into!
