
With a new week upon us it's time to set some goals. I must admit that this is going to be a little tough to do at the moment since I'm recovering from a very late night/early morning. Hubby and I attended a friends 40th birthday party last night and the time just completely got away from us. Every once in a Super Moon it's nice to not be so concerned with time.

Photo found here. I didn't photograph the Super Moon myself since I was too busy drinking Skip and Go Naked.

We had no reason to rush home nor did we have commitments for the following morning like we usually do (well I guess there was Sunday School) so we decided to have some fun. I tried a drink I have never heard of before called Skip and Go Naked. I think the hostess said she used beer, vodka, and pink lemonade- strange mix but oddly good. Ok maybe it wasn't that good but after a few beers and a sun tan lotion drink I thought Skip and Go Naked was quite tasty. Like I've said before- I'll try anything once. And no, there was no skipping nor did anyone get naked. However, there was some talk of trampoline entertainment and morning waffles, but those things never happened either. What kind of party was that?

So with only a few hours of sleep and a stomach that feels like a blender I have to think about my speedy recovery plan. Lots of water, healthy foods, and rest. Wow that sounds easy. Our Insanity workout will approach too quickly in the morning so I really need to be ready for that intense sweat fest. I also need to get more running in as my pathetic 9 miles left me feeling pretty inadequate this week. I also gained 3 pounds after losing 3 the week before. Why? Well apparently (at least I hope) my muscles are retaining water to replace glycogen stores that were lost during my workouts (2.7 g of water is retained for every gram of glycogen that is stored). Most people call this "water weight". Not sure I completely understand fitness jargon but I'm doing everything I need to in order to accomplish my goals. So for those of you that are addicted to the numbers on the scale I'd say not to be. We know when we've had good and bad weeks so go by the way you feel also.
I'll admit it wasn't the brightest idea for Mike and I at this point of our fitness plan but the fun we had made the lack of sleep worth it. Plus the body recovers quickly. The whole family took afternoon naps but someone was a little more tired then others. I believe Mike was playing with Olivia on her floor when this happened.

"Stinker goose!" Olivia called him.

Now at almost 10 o'clock at night we're still awake and dreading the sound of the alarm in the morning. Ugh, where did the weekend go? Tomorrow we do a 40 minute workout and then we will attempt to run right after. I will also be adding some biking into the mix a few days next week so we'll see how that goes. I have to squeeze this stuff in wherever I can since we will be busy preparing for school trips, a birthday party, our last day of Sunday School, and Mother's Day at the lake. Remember, it's still important to set goals even when we're busy.


  1. Glad you guys had some fun. Running and exercising are great for the body but a good party is good for the soul.

    I know you will make up for the partying. Just take one day at a time and you will once again be where you want to be.

    Good Luck this week.


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