You Are My Sunshine

All kinds of interesting things seem to happen to me on a daily basis. Lately it seems I've been all too consumed in my 3 year old. Olivia is the baby of the family and she is VERY spoiled. If mom says no to something then she tries dad, and if dad says no she works her way through her sisters. "Oh, come here baby!" is usually the response from one of her sisters. I roll my eyes at that since she is almost 4 years old. She also has the bad habit of sleeping with her sister Caitlin, and some days this proves to be a horrible arrangement.

The morning routine usually consists of me waking up around 5 a.m., go for a run, come home and shower, wake up the kids and hubby, everyone gets ready, kids go to school, I get Olivia ready, and finally we rush off to daycare where Olivia clings to my leg for an extended period of time.

Usually Olivia watches cartoons until I am done getting ready but yesterday morning I found her like this:
Not good

It's really not a good thing when the power goes out and the alarm never goes off. So I overslept AND had to deal with the overtired little "baby". Then while trying to quickly make the bed some little beings jumped in between the layers. There was a lot of giggling going on under there.

That's Olive the cat under there with Ms. Olivia

Now we're having drama over best friends and play dates. When we were leaving daycare today I told Olivia's friend to have her mom call me. Well from the time we got home until I finally gave in and called the mom Olivia asked every 5 minutes when her friend was coming over. When I called the mom she said her daughter was acting the same way. Imagine that! By the way never let a 3 year old listen to your phone conversation. As I was trying to make arrangements for a play date the following day Olivia had a meltdown. Tomorrow was just too far away and her friend had to come over NOW. I almost gave in but instead quickly ended the conversation with rough plans for tomorrow. I wiped some tears and explained in simple terms what was going to happen- phew it worked. Love that little bugger!

So now I am preparing for my run in the morning while Olivia keeps looking at the picture above saying, "That's me!" Yes little girl that is you sleeping like a precious little baby. So I'd say I have the mental part taken care of. I now know that we'll be running from Warren back to Newfolden and Dave will join me for my last 10 miles. Silly guy tried to trick me with his riddled texts today from an unknown number (one of those interesting things). But plans are finally set. The temperature is suppose to be around 36 degrees with a SE wind at 15 mph. My iPod is waiting to be updated, my shoulder is being iced, but my stomach is bubbling; Homemade Mac and Cheese for supper. This is the most I've eaten in a long time.
 I lost 3 pounds this week, continued the push up challenge, cut a few miles off my shorter running days, and carefully selected my meals and snacks (minus the meal above). Not much else I can do but get a good nights sleep and Just Run!


  1. Miss Olivia is such a cutie. She really knows how to pull on the heart strings for sure. I remember a little girl who use to do that to me. I guess even though she grew up and has her own kids, she knows how to still yank my chain.

    Good luck on your run. I really am proud of the person you have become.


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