My Announcement

So yesterday was another 20 miler and since you're reading this you can assume that I survived. I'm still amazed by how the body adjusts to such grueling activity. My feet were sore but I still managed to go about my day as normal...awesomeness. Keep reading for the announcement.

There really was no scenery on our 20 mile course Saturday. We live in Northwest Minnesota what do you expect? No mountains, no hills, very few houses, no stores, no lakes, nothing. Just trees, cars, flat farming land, a few deer, wild turkeys, squished frogs, and lots of worms (it rained the night before). Each encounter can lead into quite an array of stories though, and since there really isn't much rational thinking going on...well anything goes. Like at mile 17 when I started talking like this, "I don't wannagrfinamno. The moon I mean the sun...ah forget it."

When we saw the turkeys Bryan suggested that they were really ninja turkeys hiding in the woods waiting for the right moment to attack us. That would have made a great story, but they ran away and never came back. The few seconds I imagined those turkeys attacking meant I wasn't thinking about the 11 miles we had left to run. Ah, sweet seconds of relief with turkeys running wild. Actually I thought a turkey attack would be a good reason to not have to keep running. My stomach was knotted up pretty good for all of the first 10 miles.

Bryan also suggested that I invent a portable toilet seat for runners. I only stopped to go to the bathroom once, jeesh. Anyway, he thought it should have tripod legs and sit about a foot off the ground. "Instead of wearing a hydration pak you can carry a toilet seat on your back," he said. Hmmmm, no thanks. There probably is one already invented (I don't feel like a Google search).

Bryan said women must not pay attention as much as men. Every time he asked me who someone was in the car that just passed I just said "I don't know I just wave." He thought it must be a woman thing because all the women runners he waves to in Warroad never look up. Huh, I guess I'm just not that concerned about who's in the car that didn't move over or slow down or whatever. Plus I don't have people's vehicles memorized like the guys at work do. If there's an unfamiliar car in the parking lot at work the first question is "Who's here?" What? How do you memorize all of your co-workers cars? I don't care what kind of car or truck you drive.

Here it is...

What else was there? Oh yes, my 30 miler. Bryan asked what my plans were for the 30 mile run I am planning on April 28th. Well I just plan on running it- that's the plan. I will mentally prepare as I will be running the last 10 alone. Right now the only thing I'm sure of is that the last 10 miles will be me and my Ipod. This day will be the last 20 in our training program so Bryan will knock off only the 20 and I will continue. Why 30? I want some closure to all this training, and since I'm not doing an official full marathon I will end with my own goal. That's just how I roll! I know I can physically handle it but mentally it will be awfully tough on my own. You can be sure I'll write all about it


  1. What time are you doing it? I could try (read: attempt) to run at least some of it with you?


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