Countdown in 3...2...1

I have some really exciting events coming up and the countdown begins now! Here's a list:

1. 6 days until my 30 mile run

2. 8 days until I start INSANITY!

3. 21 days until Mother's Day and the last day of Sunday School

4. 27 days until Tough Mudder (got the hotel booked finally)

5. 33 days until the last day of school

6. 69 days until Warrior Dash and our family trip to New Hampshire

7. 87 days until Mike and the girls leave for New Orleans

8. 107 days until my birthday

9. 134 days until the girls start next years school year

10. 391 days until the Fargo Marathon in 2013

I didn't want my countdown list to be too short so I added a few extra. Hey, they could be important numbers for someone to keep track of. Pretty good with the math huh? Yeah right, I used this cool tool which figured it out for me. So now I can mark my calendar and prepare for some really cool and exciting things to happen.

I mentioned in a previous post that I was joining Team Tammy! Challenge Group through the Beachbody website. Well today I officially joined and got my hands on the INSANITY! DVDs. So if anyone is interested (I have one already) let me know and we can suffer...I mean feel good about ourselves together. Who's up for the challenge?


  1. Boy you got a busy few months coming up. Only 107 days for your BD. Wow that's the most important day on the calendar! I could never forget.


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