Dave's Going to Boston

This is Dave!
"Hi Dave!"

Dave is a family friend who qualified for the Boston Marathon last May so tonight we had a little send off run in his honor.
(Mike and I laughed so hard at this picture we literally had tears.)

Dave and his family will be flying out tomorrow afternoon so that Dave can run the Boston Marathon on Monday. Dave wanted our local runners, aka Newfolden Area Runners Club (NARC), to run a short distance with him before his departure. Of course we were all more than willing to run beside him and wish him well on his grand adventure. I for one am so inspired by Dave and hope to be running as long as he has been. I will be tracking his progress throughout the race here. He told us temperatures are suppose to be in the low 80's- yikes.

I asked Dave if he would be willing to answer a few questions. Here are his answers:

How many years have you been running? since 1978 - when my job required an annual physical fitness test to maintain my wildland fire fighting duties. (Wow, the year I was born)

How many official full marathons have you ran? 1- full marathon, a dozen half-marathons

What was your Boston qualifying time? 3:29:11 ( I think)

Was qualifying for Boston always a goal for you? No - I always thought the Boston was for elite runners only. Not old men. (He's not old)

What are your hopes/goals for Boston? I'll be very happy and satisfied if I finish, super happy if I get under 4 hours, stand-on-my-head elated to match my Fargo time.

Do you have a preferred pre-race meal? peanut butter/white bread sandwich, Cliff Bar (oatmeal-walnut-raisin) & lots of water.

Any memorable running story you’d like to share? I thrive on the energy of other runners - even when I run alone. Running with any member of the NARC - gives me strength - Therefore the NARC Turkey Runs and our occasional group runs are memorable.

Running in Jordan, Montana I heard the sound of paws behind me. I turned around and saw a very large Doberman Pincher racing towards me. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to outrun it I decided to turn and just take on the beast. As the dog got closer the larger it got, as did its teeth. But when it got to me it put it's brakes on, licked my hand, and ended up running with me for a short distance. Boy was I glad it was a friendly Doberman Pincher.

How do you prepare for a race?
Besides many months (18 week program) of highly programed running I have a muscle building program I've put together.  However equally important is mental preparation. I visualize running an event which includes finishing. I use the strength of my dad, who passed away 14 years ago, and he had the fortitude to challenge a disease that changed his life - someday the whole story.

Do you have future goals or will that come after Boston? Yes - Disclosure may come after Boston

Last one…

Do you think blisters or chaffing is worse? To answer your question - blisters - but personally for me it's an arthritic hip joint.

Thank you Dave for your time and friendship!


  1. Nice interview and inspiring story!

  2. Good Luck to you running friend, Dave at the Boston Marathon. He and all you runners are an inspiration.


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