"The Club"

Have you ever joined a club? Did you really want to join or were you somehow talked/forced into it? Some young children are forced by their parents to join certain clubs, like 4-H, and some create their very own special best friends club. Some adults join clubs for pure enjoyment and/or time away from home (kids). Whether you joined on your own behalf or on behalf of someone else the "club" status will always be a part of your life.

Recently my children and I were sponsored for a membership to one of the worst clubs ever created. There are dues but no benefits. You can move up in the ranks but you never want to because the higher your rank the more dues you pay. We're not sure who sponsored us, so we can't even ask them to kindly revoke it. They probably weren't really thinking of us at all, but they definitely overstepped their boundaries. It physically hurts and is mentally draining and the worst part is that it absorbs all of our extra time. Wow some club huh?

Now I'm sure everyone is wondering what club this is so they never have to endure the agony that it seems to bring. I'm sorry to break the news to you this way, but everyone reading this post could potentially be sponsored at some point in their life. Alright here it is..."Influenza A"...yep that's the horrible club my family now belongs to. At least we think we belong to the club but we haven't officially seen any kind of roster or membership card with our names on it. However, I'm fairly certain that this membership is temporary, like a trial period (24-48 hours), so I'm not going to request a card.

When people say, "Join the club!" I advise you to say no, run like the wind, and sanitize everything. In a traditional club members are given rules, requirements, motto's, dress codes, etc. One plus to being in this club is that you are able to wear whatever is comfortable and not care what you look like. If you do care then you do not really belong in this club, so go join the "Stomach Bug" club (maybe they have real bugs to keep you entertained). I dislike when people say they have the flu but it's just a stomach bug, big difference. Apparently Influenza A has no age requirements either as approximately 45 students in our community unwillingly joined and were allowed to miss school yesterday. For the record I should tell you that only 4 of 7 members of my family "joined the club" but sign-up has not quite ended yet.

I woke up to 3 sick kids on Sunday. What perfect timing for the Palm Sunday program at church in which they all had a speaking part. Sorry and thank you to the last minute fill ins! I had no idea what was going around but on Monday students were given a letter from the principle to bring home to their parents (an official letter is not good). It stated that Influenza A is now in our community and some symptoms are cough, sore throat, fever, stomach cramps, vomiting! I've heard a few parents suggest that since it's a short week anyway the school should just close for a few extra days. No can do Napoleon, those kids would have to make up those days in June so we all just need to make it through and stop sponsoring the unwilling.

The unwilling!

Now that the Motrin has worn off I am feverish and achy all over- boo to that. I should have known better than to sleep nose to nose with a cuddly 3 year old germ ball. Although I'd gladly suffer through it rather then have them down and out with big glossy puppy dog eyes. Poor kids deserves extra Easter basket items! And so do I...deserve, not need. And I'm out


  1. OMG. Don't sign us up for that club. We certainly don't want to pay the dues. I hope you all get better real soon. The Easter Bunny definitely should bring you all extra special things.


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