Running Away

Boston Cream Pie I RecipeI thought about making Dave a "Congratulations" cake to welcome him home tonight but then I found this recipe on for Boston Cream Pie. What better way to welcome home a Boston runner than with a Boston Cream Pie. I've never made one before but I think it turned out pretty darn good (not sure how it tastes though). Now just a few more minutes and Dave should be arriving home to add one more medal to his growing collection. This was just the positive energy that I needed.

This morning Bryan and I ran 6 miles and I was determined to run faster than our previous pace at which we seem to be running like slugs. I need to work on speed and I need a little change of pace (literally and metaphorically). I have a lot on my mind at the moment and this run was definitely a therapeutic one. Sometimes the way a person feels effects their run profoundly and for me it came out by running faster. I didn't intend for this run to end up this way nor did I want to upset Bryan. Apparently I did.

For about a mile while I was running this morning I felt like I was floating. My thoughts brought me to somewhere I didn't want to be and I forgot where I was, what I was doing, and that someone was running behind me (not beside me this time). Bryan was a little more than frustrated with me and he even asked if I wanted to run alone but I simply stated, "I just want to run." And I did. I wanted to keep running and not turn around actually. I don't know if Bryan was really mad at me or if he just let me run the way I needed to. Yes, I will apologize tomorrow! There was very little conversation but sometimes conversation isn't always needed.

Have you ever felt like running away? It's more about running away from my thoughts rather than anything in particular. I just can't seem to wrap my head around other peoples actions and the way bullies have to be inferior to everyone and everything. I just don't understand how a person can give so much and be treated so horribly. I imagine it like a painting on canvas. The way something is manifested into something that its not but only the person holding the brush has control. It's like having an owl as your subject and being told to paint exactly what you see, but when the painting is finished the canvas portrays a shark. It's the complete opposite of what's right in front of the painter but the paint has dried and the canvas has new meaning. Who am I to change the artists views? Do they see the owl as a shadow to the shark or the shark as a shadow to the owl? No one should bully or argue with the artists manifestation though. It's an artist statement. Or is it? So does a persons opinions really reflect their inner beliefs or do people not think before they speak? This is what I'm running away from. Wouldn't you?


  1. Nice post!! - I bicycle for similar reasons. I'd recommend reading this book:

    Its the "Escape Artist" by Matt Seaton, and I think it'll resonate with you.
    As for other people's opinions: Most people change them as frequently as they change children's diapers... and for the same reasons!!

  2. Keep running faster and you will beat the thoughts that bother you. You can out run anything that doesn't belong in your mind. Keep up the good work. That Boston Cream Pie looks phenomenal. I'm sure it tastes just as good too.


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