100 Push Up Challenge

So my sister text me today and asked what the 100 Push-Up Challenge is. I replied for her to Google it but I'll give everybody a quick rundown now.

The one hundred push ups challenge is a training program that claims to have even the weakest of people cranking out 100 push-ups after just 6 weeks. You start by completing an initial test to find out what your current fitness level is. There are three columns to follow based on age and execution. I will be following the first column which is "up to 5 push ups". For week 1 there are five sets to complete with a 60 second rest between each one. Each week is broken down into three days of training (recommended Monday, Wednesday, Friday) with steady progression according to your physical ability. At the end of week 2 you'll perform an exhaustion test to move into week 3. I'll be happy to get that far!

I can't fully endorse this program but a few of my friends have tried it and I haven't heard any complaints...yet. This week will be my week 1 and each week I will post updates as to how I am progressing, if at all. It's going to be tough and maybe even frustrating but I'm ready to crank out 100 push-ups in a row! If any of my readers want to join me for support just leave a comment and we can stay in touch throughout the next 6 weeks.
