Stabbing Pain

I hope everyone remembered to change their clocks before going to bed last night. We remembered at about midnight when we were already half asleep of course. Daylight savings time can really confuse a person. There was a lot of tossing and turning last night, especially from the anxious fisherman who left for Canada early this morning. I think we were both worried about whether or not we set the clock right and of course there's always that nagging "What time would it really be..." in my head. Once I did find that hard sleep it was short lived.

I had to force myself out of bed so I could get everyone else up and ready for Sunday school. The weather was gorgeous and I felt pretty good except for a small ache between my shoulder blades. So after I showered and got dressed I did a few basic stretches with my arms, thinking I could work the knot out. Holy toledo did I set something in motion, and that something felt like a knife had been jabbed in my back. I couldn't lift my hands above my shoulders and breathing was very difficult. Seriously, I couldn't even get my hair in a ponytail. You've got to be kidding me! Everything was going great and Mike would not be back for four days. Why now? I was panicking and didn't have much time before I had to be in my Sunday school classroom. I quickly thought of solutions to my horrible problem but the pain was just about making me buckle at my knees. Stretch more! I slowly tried to lift my arm so I could stretch it across my chest. Nope! Since that didn't help I thought about sending my daughter to teach for me, since she has done it before, but I needed to get the pain to go away. I walked over to the pull-up bar lying on the floor, slowly picked it up, and placed it in the doorway. I wasn't sure if it would help or make things worse but I had to stretch my shoulders out somehow. I reached for the bar and when I had a firm grip I very slowly bent my knees and lifted my feet off the floor. The pain was sharp but slowly started to ease a bit as I hung on and tried to relax. I switched hand positions and tried it again. Relief! I was able to breathe normally and the pain was more of a tightness rather then a sharp knife. I didn't have much neck movement and I could tell I was favoring the left side but it was good enough for an hour with my 1st graders. Despite almost losing it during song time I made it through and went back home to hang some more. So I've been hanging myself throughout the day today, which seems to be helping.

Thankfully it wasn't worse and I still had time to go outside with my three year old and splash in puddles. I even got to see this... my day was happily complete! (Side note: Their mouths were open in all four shots I got of them going down that little snow mound- too cute!) Bryan even wanted to run tomorrows run today since it was so warm, but I wanted to rest and ice my neck and shoulders. Plus it's suppose to be in the 50's all week. Yahtzee!
