Proud Mom

Since my 4 mile run this morning was uneventful I thought I would edit an old post that was never actually published. OK, so I guess I did see Bryan twist the head off a suffering bird but that was the only interesting part of our run. No, we did not collide with a bird but we heard the poor thing fly to its death and had to do something. Anyway on to my old post...

Tonight for my 3 mile run I did something a bit different. I ran with my 15 year old daughter! I didn't twist her arm or bribe her either, and I only had to ask twice. She very rarely ever wants to run with me, or anyone else for that matter. Although she's much more enthusiastic about running with someone other than me that enthusiasm usually wears off rather quickly. Track will be starting the second week in March so this kid better get herself in gear if she's as serious about it as she says. She is in strength training and swears her gym teacher is trying to kill her slowly through intense exercise, so that's a good start. I laugh when I see her slowly walking stiff legged down the stairs mumbling, "Mr. F is trying to kill us." I've been there many times! I have one vivid memory from the college Martial Arts class when the instructor was upset because apparently a student flipped off a maintenance worker. Unfortunately we all had to pay dearly for that one (thanks Joe). 100 squats followed by sitting in seiza (formal kneeling/sitting posture) while we got a very long and scary lecture. The tears were involuntarily flowing down my cheeks from the burning pain in my legs. Being a newbie I was not used to 100 consecutive squats and I honestly thought the instructor was going to work us until we just keeled over and died. Good times!
As any mom with a teenager can probably relate, our run was a bit quiet. She did tell me that usually around mile 1.5 her body starts to break down. I guess she was right because her ankle began to bother her and we had to walk for a few seconds. She shook it out and without a word just kept going. I am very proud of her for even agreeing to go with me and even more proud because she completed the full 3 miles. No attitude, no complaining, and I even saw her smile a few times. What an amazing run!


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