Running with a cold.

This isn't the worst cold I've ever had but not being able to breathe through my nose makes it pretty miserable none the less. I actually called in sick to work yesterday, which I rarely ever do, and I missed two runs, a 6 and a 3. My nose was completely plugged and my head was throbbing which compelled me to stay in bed. Today was better as my head wasn't throbbing and one nostrile is now semi clear, but I literally feel like a big germ ball! I was so determined to turn todays rest day into a 6 mile make-up run but I could only make it 3 (barely). Not only did I have trouble breathing but my stomach also decided it didn't want to cooperate. I'm glad I willed myself out of bed even though I had a very legitimate excuse to not go. But I hate excuses and I really hate missing a run. Bryan was nice enough to get up on his rest day and run slowly with me. He did most of the talking and told me to liven up but it took all of my concentration to focus on breathing. I didn't even notice how much I was sweating. I kept telling myself I just had to make it one loop and although I almost quit by my house I finally finished the loop. I'm slowly getting my determination back and started taking my Mucinex, Cetirizine, and Emergen-C a few days ago. This seems to be helping, so along with my probiotic, tea, and flax for my stomache issues I will need to consume more vitamins as well. It's time to get serious for my more physical races this year. Bring on the cargo nets, ramps, ropes, mud, and electric shock!
I encourage everyone to work through their minor "excuses" and just get up and get out. Walk, bike, run, whatever you can do to stay active and healthy!
