Frozen Feat

I procrastinated a bit and didn't sign up for the Frozen Feat until last night, but I did it! Even with my nose all congested I managed the 10K with no major issues. Race results are not available until Monday, due to a new chip timing system, but mine sucks anyway. The clock said 59:?? when I crossed, so it was under an hour anyway. I just wanted to run, not race (until the last few blocks anyway). It's hard to race in the winter, especially when you barely even want to run slow. It was a chilly -5 degrees and windy at the start of the race so we bundled up and did what we always do. Even "fireball" Nico ran slow with us, which is truly amazing. I mean this guy is one speed and it's not slow. His dad is just as awesome, as he is well under way with training for Boston in April. That's right, I know some amazing people! Along with my Frozen Feat bib I wore my bib for Sherry, and saw quite a few others wearing them too. What an awesome event to be a part of! Although I didn't know Sherry my heart goes out to her family for their loss. We all run for so many different reason but it's always to feel good in some way. Well this tragedy wasn't good in any way so if this event gave even a little comfort or peace to her loved ones then I'm glad I could be a part of that.
