3 Weeks Left

With less than three weeks left until the Fargo Marathon my registration is still incomplete. I reserved my hotel room well in advance, due to last years horrible experience, but I haven't been able to fully commit to the race.There's been plenty of time to save but I just don't have that extra money. So why all this training if there won't be a race? Good question! Maybe, just maybe, the half marathon won't fill up and I can register at the last minute. Yikes! That is not a good plan. My training hasn't been very strict or consistent lately but I still imagine myself running the streets of Fargo with thousands of strangers. I have also been tracking my progress on RunKeeper in hopes to get my butt in gear. Really the truth of the matter is that I honestly just can't afford it this year. It's a big expense in my five kid budget and their needs come first. As hard as it is for me to accept...I might not be able to run. *Sigh*
