Back Pain

By the title of this post a person might guess that I have some type of back pain, and they'd be right. I don't know how it happened but I'm glad it happened now and not a week before Fargo.
Over this past weekend my back just kept getting more stiff and sore with every passing hour. I thought that maybe I hadn't run enough miles that week which somehow caused a stiffening in my lower back. Boy was I wrong! Last week I ran a total of 6 pathetic miles, but the week before that I conquered 28. So as backwards as my theory seemed I was convinced that running would loosen things up again. However, when I began my run on Monday I wasn't sure I could make it one block. I pushed myself and I thought that it really was helping because there wasn't much pain. Halfway through the run Bryan and I took a social break to converse with some veteran runners that were on the same 4 mile loop. I thought the break would be a good rest for my back but starting up again was painful. Not only was the break too long but the run itself should never have happened. I didn't even think twice about seeing my chiropractor the next day since I could barely dress myself. Even after my adjustment I had major back spasms throughout the day. Again I must say I have no idea how this happened but it is REALLY unfair! Tuesday night I was coaxed into a walk with my family to enjoy the nice spring weather. I ran about 20 feet successfully just to see if I was able to but it was a little uncomfortable. This morning my back was still very tight and sore so I went back to the chiropractor for another adjustment. Without Dr. Mickelson advising me I knew that running was not an option for at least another day. I realize this back issue is not going to quickly resolve itself but I'm hoping for a speedy recovery. As of right now I will try to run 3 miles tomorrow morning with another back adjustment scheduled for Friday and just hope for the best. It just seems as though I can't get more than two solid weeks of training in and that's a huge concern for the half marathon. I'm also off my plan for losing 3 pounds a week until the big Fargo run. Why????? 6 weeks to go...
