Getting Sick

If you've ever been sick and tried to do anything strenuous then you know it can be slightly difficult. I predict that with the way I feel now running is going to be quite miserable in these next few days. According to the training plan this week will be a 40 miler. Ugh!
My oldest daughter has been sick with a horrible cold this week and I'm finally getting acquainted with the germs she has left behind. This morning I woke up with a slight sore throat and stuffy nose. As the day proceeded I just kept feeling worse with one nostril basically plugged. So trying to run 8 miles today was simply not on my priority list but I also didn't feel too bad until after the attempt. There was slush, puddles of water, strong wind, and my runny nose to contend with. So we walked A LOT! Bryan also mentioned feeling as though he was going to throw up a few times, so our run was shortened to 3 miles (if that). 19 miles this week with three off days and 136 miles logged so far in 2011. Next Saturday is the 16 mile but I told Bryan I wasn't going to attempt it. 14 was tough enough and I'll blog about it when I feel better. I need rest!
