
I'm almost too tired to run these days. Lack of sleep and struggles of my world, which seems to be upside down, has made running difficult but very necessary. Last Sunday was a 9 mile but with many small breaks. We stopped to stretch a few times and walked a little bit, so I was not very proud of myself after that one. This Sunday would've been another 9 miles except I was going on about 8 hours of sleep in a two day span. There was a little comfort in knowing that Bryan was not up to par either. However, it was a beautifully wet day and I only had to wear one layer of clothing~ super sweet! OK Bryan, my ears were a bit chilly but it felt great to run without all the layers weighing me down. We ran about half of what we originally predicted but at least we still got out there and did it. The most important part of running is that you never make excuses and you don't ever quit. Even on his vacation Bryan woke up to go for a 6:15 run this morning. Very impressive! I wanted to go back to bed and get some much needed sleep, but there's no way I could do that to him. So what do I do about tomorrow? I tweaked my back today at the grocery store and I thought maybe I could still run 4 but man it really hurts. Plus I'm still awake at 11:26 p.m. and I'm afraid I might come crashing down at some point. We have joked about needing emergency assistance before but that 11 minute mile might be the death of me!!! Still got my sense of humor anyway (sort of). Time to ice and pace the floor hoping for relief. Dear God help to ease my pain!

P.S. The fact that I inspired someone to run has boosted my spirits a bit, so thank you Phil!
