Back to Normal

I made it 4 miles this morning! I ran solo for a bit because Bryan had an ambulance call at 5:30 a.m. Which means my pager also went off, so I just had to sit and wonder if Bryan was on call or not. I recognized his voice responding and I knew right away I'd have to start this new week by myself. No matter what I had to go. My nose has been stuffy for days so breathing through my mouth only set myself up for a very sore throat. Oh well! Out I went on a beautifully warm Tuesday morning. My Ipod and tissues were a must but I didn't need my hat today (even though I did wear it for half the run). I went east across town and on my way back I spotted the ambulance. Bryan was ready for a run, so he drove home and I ran to meet him at the end of his driveway. Ah, finally back to normal! Although I started to feel a bit sick to my stomach at that time I kept going.
Right now my nose is even more stuffed up and it is hard to swallow :o( I should have been taking my vitamins. Time to get back to a healthy lifestyle. Hopefully I can teach Claudia the importance of eating right and staying fit. This is her first year in Track and so far she is really liking it. Maybe we can even start running together!
