One of THOSE days

Ever had one of "those" days? I think that everyone has, however the explanation might be a tad different depending on the person or the day. I had one of those mornings where all I wanted to do was run, but never turn around and come back. Maybe it's the cold weather that's bringing me down and making it almost impossible to want to get out of bed. I literally roll onto the floor and force myself to get dressed.

6:00- Took a deep breath and started running (my escape)
6:05- Met Bryan and exchanged greetings
6:10- Wanted to sprint but needed to keep pace with Bryan
6:20- Oops I looked in someones bedroom window (the light was on)
6:25- Thought about how the icy roads are going to make me fall one day

In between these thoughts were more thoughts that were running laps in my head and driving me crazy. Like:

  • I can't wait until the house is FINALLY finished.
  • Girls can be so petty. Why do my girls have to deal with that?
  • Heck why do I have to deal with that? Oh yeah, because I have 5 girls.
  • Why is Claudia struggling so much in school?
  • My mask is frozen and it's making my cheeks sting.
  • Run harder!

6:30- I hear a bird chirping. I literally wanted to shoot it. (I said it was that kind of morning)
6:37- Decided to run another loop

That was the best decision I could have made that morning because I finally snapped out of it. Conversation came easier and I felt a little lighter. Running has turned into a type of therapy for me and it's all good! Having a miserable 30 minutes in the morning is much better than having a miserable day. So, today I had to run without Bryan and I did 5 miles all on my own. I felt proud of myself for getting out there when I really didn't want to. I did get some motivation from the new gear I bought from I'll post a review as soon as I test it out a bit more. Until then I must go get some rest!
